Still only 5 playable specs? I am not coming back

It is a player made problem because the players are Human.
and as any Pandaren can tell you: “To err is Human… stupid humans.”.

Well byeeee felicaaaa


That has got to be the vaguest class balance complaint I’ve ever read.


The instances in vanilla and tbc could be played by most specs, though. As long as you had the right resistance gear on and could be useful with interrupts or disarming traps, then most groups could get through. Raids were huge then, 20+ people was common, and the mobs didn’t scale as much.

Imagine only achieving KSM and thinking the balance affect them in any ways

That doesn’t make any sense. You got second, third, fourth, and even fifth!

Wasn’t he high when he said that?

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My only issue strictly about mythic plus is if you play a class with no lust and are a DPS it can be incredibly hard to get into pugs, drums just aren’t good enough for some reason. That’s the difficult thing though about balance. I have a Mediocre time getting into m+ as an affliction warlock but I annihilate the current raid. So you can’t have everything on everyone its just impossible

Hilarious :joy:

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If you were better at the game, every spec is playable.

But continue to pay for an active account? That’ll show 'em!

and here i thought 26-27 was the key range before Aug completed the 5 pieces of exodia, which are just normal pieces without Aug. :dracthyr_shrug:

And that was before numerous nerfs to keys and key level scaling. I will however say that many keys done prior to 10.1.5 at the highest level were still being done with some number of bear druids, fire mages, shadow priests, and holy paladins. The meta was already condensing at the top end prior to 10.1.5, the changes and launch of augmentation just shifted the process into overdrive.

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in Bear’s Defense it was at the bottom all season 1 with Warrior at the top then Pally.

so as far as meta rotation its only part of the natural cycle. I would expect to see Blood/ Brew rotate in during season 3… i dont know where DH fits into the natural cycle of things.

Valid, though paladin was firmly at the top by the time it came to push weeks towards the end of season 1.

Take care. bye Felicia

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In 17+ keys people still take/prefer the meta and will deny people playing non-meta. Let’s not act like OP’s complaint isn’t valid for much lower keys… LOL. Also, just because you don’t NEED these specs, doesn’t mean they don’t massively outperform all other specs.


Its not that the OP doesnt have a valid concern. Its more of my lack of trust in Blizz actually fixing anything in any reasonable amount of time.

Sounds like exactly the kind of toxicity we dont need more of. I’m glad to play every one of my classes and multiple specs on many of them. If i enjoy a spec more than the “meta” ill play the one i enjoy. I pay so i can enjoy it, not so i can conform to the FOTM.

Yet, HERE you are. :thinking: