Still only 5 playable specs? I am not coming back

The issue is the rubbish class balance, which make people not want to play this game anymore. I am not coming back untill most specs are playable.

A LOT of better games there if I want to play new content, better storylines and better graphics. Focus on what you are special as an online game, class balance and cooperaion, make all specs playable and let people enjoy of different mix of classes in group.

WOW has been going the wrong way for a long time. You can never win a battle in new content and new quests VS the other games.


okay sounds good



Since when are there only 5 specs that are played in the game?

No one cares what the 1% in 25+ keys does. Play the game your way or don’t. Threatening to quit is meaningless.


They deleted the other 30 specs? Okay.

Eiter way, bye Karen :wave:


You will be surprised at how much the lower keys do care, when Aug first came out and Details! was not showing the correct info you would have so many lower keys that just refused to take them, but at the same time many lower keys knew of the issue and were reserving a spot for Aug all the way down to M10 and lower in some instances.

I’ve done keys around that mark where you can just take any 5 players of any class as long as they have the iLVL, but still had times where the key holder was waiting for that one specific spec to show up.

It shouldn’t happen but it does.

The best players should be looking for is to not take 3 of the same DPS spec, especially melee classes during sang or storming weeks and the likes, otherwise 2 melee, 1 range or vice versa and any old healer should still work, yet, players at all levels still try to min max their group.

You were just in another thread crying about people blasting you for not doing damage as a healer… playing meta is so far off your radar at that point, you don’t even have the basics of how to play a healer down to begin with, let alone pushing keys at a level that meta matters for you


Apparently the OP hiding on his lower level alt cares very much about the 28-31 key range.


This is not an airport. You don’t have to announce your departure.


Well there are many playable specs, it’s just that only 5-8 of them can play with the meta slaves who are so bad that they need the meta to carry them through 20s.

Pro tip: The meta in 20s is inviting people who know how to play their spec.


This is a weird take considering class balance in vanilla, tbc and wrath was significantly worse that DF.


Truth be told, this is the best balancing they’ve done in a long time. We’re talking about small percentages separating most specs. Before dragonflight, it was very uncommon to see some of the lower performing specs even show up on the map. There are some very skilled players with B tier specs crushing it unless you are running 25+ mythics. The Meta changes every single week it seems so what’s the point in chasing meta anyway? Just have fun. In the end it’s all just pixels.


The most popular tank in keys 20+ is prot paladin. The most popular healer in keys 20+ is resto shaman. The most popular dps in keys 20+ is ret paladin. Prot Paladin and Resto Shaman still hold the top spots in 25+.

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Guy has standards based on balance/quality of better games earning our money.
Guy gets flamed by low standard wow addicts with no distinguishable achievements.
Another day of wow.

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The five playable specs has made its way much lower than +25, I assure you.

Wrong tense. You keeping using this word “is.” I think you mean “was.”

Nobody cares what was most played at the start of the season. Since 10.1.5, there have been five specs that are head shoulders above the rest, and if you aren’t playing those, your changes of being accepted into a pug are much lower.

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Most of the specs seem playable to me, at least in world content.

Maybe try having fun, instead of treating WoW like it’s a race? :man_shrugging:

He plays on his Aug Evoke. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Then leave and play the other games that seem to nkt keep u going on them but to come back to wow to trashtalk it.

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Wow is the standard, bro just shut up seriously if he had any actual standards hed be not simping over what raiders/players he never will even get close to emulating.

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Giving feedback to a game one use to love is not “meaningless”.
And lower your voice.
It’s not just 25+ keys, as much as meta/better players than you tell you that.
See this thread with data you’ll pretend doesn’t exist:

You’ve displayed your ignorance and miseducation in few words, I admire your ability to be concise (something I struggle with).

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