Still only 5 playable specs? I am not coming back

What, uh… What mmo has better any of the things you said?


All specs are


I am not playing a meta spec, and I’m still enjoying the game.

I want better class balance also, but sometimes people are just silly.

I understand your frustration…I think. What I don’t understand however is the need to announce to a group of strangers who could careless what you do with your time, that you are leaving.

Why tell us you’re leaving? Just leave…quietly. Are you hoping to change the hearts and minds of strangers by fishing for attention?


The issue is, why would you take other specs, when the top 5 make it literally 3-4 key levels easier?
Running without MD is just idiocy in half these dungeons.

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That’s nice and all, but we left the expansion with the airport like a year ago, no need to announce your departure.

Because some friends and guilds are more interested in their friends and guilds. Like my friends and guilds who just run with the people they enjoy and don’t give two poops about metas. They can push high keys or do mid keys or do whatever they want and no one needs to tell them how they should play or what will make their lives “easier.” They can do as they wish without issue.

Thinking this is mandatory for below 20 or even 22 is what’s idiocy. Sorry you’re a meta slave, but not everyone cares.


The funny part is he plays an Aug doing 20+ keys.

I am not a meta slave. Just facts mate, sorry.
I play shadow and survival for the last 3 years.
I am in no way a meta slave LMAO
You can look in lfg “lf aug, lf aug with sp” all day, and it is 3x harder to get into stuff if you are not one of the meta specs. You’re actually delusional.

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Then why call it idiocy and care what others do when they can play just fine without meta?

Seems like just insults for the sake of insults to others.

Notice I never once mentioned pugs, because I’m not talking about pugs who are obsessed with metas and feel like there’s no other way to play the game. You want to pug? You deal with the consequences of pugging. That’s how the game rolls.

Because it is stupid.
Why make it harder on yourself?
Yeah I’m all for “break the meta” and “play what you want”
But when a key goes SIGNIFICANTLY easier because augmentation is the sole reason that keys are being timed this high due to the huge survivability boost they have(I mean they have literally two cheat deaths for blastings sake), not to mention they can offheal like nothing other compared to dev.
In the top 2000 evokers, there’s 9 devs, and 11 pres.
Augmentation was the biggest mistake blizzard has made in recent years, and I stand by that. Not to mention half these augment players are only cocky bc “i got X io this season with aug man” yeah, because you’re incredibly busted and carried by your spec.
Its stupid easy to play. I got 75% ebon might uptime and did 65k overall in a 20 having never played the spec before. It’s the biggest laughingstock of a rotation ever.
I hope they dumpster it, because honestly yes I love the idea of a support spec, but in WOW it does not work. and it will never work


“I’m not a meta slave, but I’ll call everyone else who doesn’t play meta stupid and idiotic for not playing meta!”

Sure thing. :rofl:

If you can’t comprehend people have no issues playing mid to high keys without meta in static friend and guild groups, because they enjoy their friends and guilds… then that sounds like a you problem.

Your argument here is nonsensical at best and not worth the time to read further.


Except 90% of balancing has basically been about how the top 1% play M+ regardless of pvp or raid balance.

Wtf are you smoking? You must be new to the game. Fire Mage/Spriest/Auggie/Holy Pally/Druid is the top team right now.

Top and only accepted team in M+. You have super low chance to be invited if you play other specs, and other specs have significant disadvantage and much worse performance compared to the 5, which means ‘not playable’.

LOL The time it took to write this you could have leveled up in another game!! Can I have all your gold? Retail WoW is calling gotta go!!

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"Always remember:

If you ain’t first, yer last."

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How would you know?

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Unless you’re running +30 keys, you can’t claim you only have 5 viable specs to choose from.


People can’t even hardly get past 26-27s without the meta comp.
Many high end players have released statements on how rubbish this game is at the moment.