Still no Warglaive hotfix

Give us glaives or give us death!


I am with you here. It would be a great change and it only makes sense

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yet another hotfix released without resolving this issue, truly there is nobody listening to the cries of the people.


I am disgusted by your manner of delivery and constant twisting of words, with your childish demands you discredit the players who have real problems

nor most of rogues deserve to wear glaves in Cataclysm and it won’t be better for the game, no one, and I speak for the entire population of Cataclysm, we don’t want to play in the Azeroth full of rogues carrying glaves, or shadowmourns, we want diversity and visually appealing game

Haha screw that attitude. If the guys went through the trouble of getting the warglaives then let them transmog. I don’t care if every rogue in wow has them, if they earned it then they earned it. And they should be able to display them.


Let me mog what I have earned. There shouldn’t be only 1 legendary that isn’t allowed to be mogged. All or nothing


A moment of silence for this guys sense of humor in these trying times of having no glaive xmogs

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This guy said it best

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I’m waiting for the next blue post to be:

“Thank you warrior and rogue for being a constant reminder as to why we just can’t have nice things if you can’t have everything. We have now disabled Xmog in it’s entirety whether it be legendary or otherwise. Love always - Blizzard.”

It’s coming.


I hope so I’d rather nothing if I can’t get my glaives

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Good, I wouldn’t want anyone else to be able to enjoy the game more than me

Best get mad at those warriors then. How are they going to walk with their balls so massive when they can TG dual wield Shadowmourne, SMF dual wield glaives, all while carrying Thoradril? And did somebody say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker? You can’t compete with that.

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Being able to DW shadowmourne doesn’t even make sense, yet somehow giving us glaives back is too much…


Legion classic confirmed. They’re reserving them for nub DH rerollers.

They’re warriors, they understand how to party and have infinitely more fun than rogues and their glaives.

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As an undead main, nothing is more fun than spamming front-flips with giant glaives, it just gets the body going

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i dont know most warriors iv seen only know how to charge the boss before the tank hits it and get one shot

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I play tank as my primary spec on anything that can tank, so I don’t have those problems.

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thats cool? anyways give us glaives transmog k thanks

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DH’s aren’t even a real class, basically just a warlock melee spec

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