Still no Warglaive hotfix

Its an absolute crime that blizzard is doing, robbing Warglaive owners of the right to transmog their favorite legendary.


bump to agree


Still waiting

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It’s not a bug.

Only Demon Hunters can transmog warglaives, it’s still like this in retail.


This isn’t retail.

See my previous response.


Soon enough we will be closer to retail than to vanilla.

On the off chance they take this roller coaster to Legion I don’t think they will change this.


we dont care what u think. this isnt retail

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I wonder if its even their call or if someone who made that asinine rule for DH-only would be offended if cata classic allowed it. Or maybe they just don’t want retail crowd to start bugging them why cata players can mog them but they cant.

Id be deeply offended if anyone could mog glaives besides DH.

Keep the rule as is.


then put DH in classic cata ez. ill just start using the ones i have in bank and do no damage in LFG dungeons to immerse myself

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warglaives will be moggable by demon hunters in Legion when we get TBC timewalking and they run the BT raid again

na we want them now. they posted legendary’s will be transmogable not just some
“Legendary appearances may now be added to your Transmogrification collection.”
not our fault they copy/paste old code and dont know how to change it. or they could have stated they are using the retail modes from the get go.

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You’re supposed to reroll a demon hunter in Legion Classic.

They likely just dont want to change it since glaives are such a dh thing, or they dont want to deal with people wanting it changed in retail

then they shouldn’t have put it in until then for the rest like it was in retail patch 8.3
says i can use them on rogue in retail whats the problem

You cant, only dh in retail can use them and only after killing illidan in BT timewalking

if only DH can transmog them why can my rogue equip them? thats a flavor fail

Because they came before a time dh existed.

Blizzard wanted to put something cool in the game and they did.

If they were released now in retail they would be dh only

but we are not playing retail thats the point. we are playing classic where rogues can use them

they can put something cool in the game right now but dont want to

On retail rogues can use them

They cant transmog them.

They will likely keep it like that to prevent the outcry