Still no Warglaive hotfix

Would just like to see them add war glaives and increase what daggers can be transmog to. At least having one-handed swords would make sense

Oh! Hahah, so like literally the one thing I tried doesn’t work, but other things do. That’s kind of funny.

Anyway, I’m surprised we didn’t get the Retail version of Transmog anyway. I’m not sure what’s going to happen, but I was under the impression that there were going to be a bunch of differences with Cata Classic from original Cata, including all sorts of things like a modern AH, M+ type dungeons… I wondered if there would be solo queue arenas and/or cross-faction queuing also, but it doesn’t seem like that’s the direction they are taking things.

I can understand frustration but you cant consider this a priority over the other things they still need to fix, right? This is kinda whiner behavior.

Nah they added something to the game. And a blue past was made I would hop things in a post would be true.

#somechanges give us war glaives

what other things? people not getting there prebis archology weapons?

Don’t need prebis when you have war glaives transmog. kekw

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I mean fair enough, but one is cosmetic and one is helpful in preperation to raid.

That being said if they dont change archaeology to be a bit less rng im not going to lose sleep over it either.

I think there are other bugs that have been reported still needing addressing too (maybe theyve been fixed tho).

But fair enough, if this is important enough to ya.

Yeah everyone see things differently. It its really hard to know what blizzard is working on and what they plan to fix. It is always a waiting game and see what happens

Technically they do. Currently they are in an iso cell in a warden prison deep under ground.

One or 2 have said this won’t be fixed since they’d have to fix retail. I will side with them in that.

Some are going this isn’t retail. Management is. Holly runs both versions. Fix the one the other has to get fixed.

100% agree, these should not be the only legendary that isn’t allowed to be mogged. Ontaining my warglaives in TBC is one of the more exciting memories in wow and I want to show them off

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This should be the highest priority, everything else is just same old same old, we demand GLAIVES

so you think.

I second this. Give us something exciting to have.

This is because daggers are classed as their own weapon category not 1h.

It’s because there are abilities that can only be done with daggers like Mutilate for example.


Yeah, I get that, but it is purely cosmetic it has no actually baring on the gameplay of the game. And one-handed swords are just bigger daggers, and some daggers are the same size of one-handed swords. Just interesting to me since you can tmog other weapons for other things.

tbh if i had shelled out that much $ for glaives in tbc I’d want to transmog them as well.

That was a buyer beware. The glaives future code was already know.

The illidari will come. We have sacrificed everything….will be heard many times.

And there went glaives mog. And they have to run the raid in tw.

you were never able to transmorg glaives in cata.

edit: wait you can transmorg shadowmourne… dumb you can’t transmorg glaives

i didnt pay for them i came to raid each week and got them in my guild

you could never transmog any legendary in cata no?

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Yeah the fact you can transmog everything else is dumb but not glaives