Still no Rainbow/Pride transmog options?

I’m sure it can seem that way but I promise that’s not true. The OP of this thread gets vacations regularly and their threads get 404’d pretty often as well. Just not as fast and often as people would like.

Personally I feel like this isn’t the platform to talk about politics (no matter what way you lean) at all. But it happens. And when it does it’s always a :poop: show.

It’s pointless, just nod and smile. I’d hate to see you waste your time.

But I do think you should farm Tusks of Mannoroth and keep that warrior as a female orc.

Personally, I would like more colorful options and especially pink armor because nothing makes a Tauren warrior more intimidating than pink.


We are of the same mind. We need pink mogs and tier sets

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One day I will get them but probably not today

Today is yesterday’s tomorrow. :wink:

Alright time to go farm them

I lucked out and got the mecha scorpion one week, and next week Tusks dropped. Maybe my good luck will rub off on you. Now all my plate toons are wearing the Tusks. XD

I just have terrible luck in general. Sure if I just pray to the RNG lords I will receive them

Just means the Tauren is undercooked.


For someone that keeps trashing this thread, you keep coming back for more. Got something you want to share?

Only as much as the thread has to offer.


People who skirt the profanity filter definitely deserve to be reported as it’s against tos.

Big yikes. I’d recommend you refrain from using the forums if this is how you interact with others.

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The rainbow was culturally appropriated from Christians.

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As someone who is potentially on the LGBT spectrum, I just can’t see these threads being posted in good faith.

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They’re not.

If you don’t mind me asking, how are you ‘potentially’ on the LGBT spectrum?

My sexuality… confuses me for lack of a better word. I might be bi but I tend to very, very picky when it comes to men.

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I’ve had people label me as asexual because of my pickiness. I’m not, I just know what I like and what I don’t.

Thanks for clearing that up!

You’ve just perpetrated the equivalent of a childish “Nu uh!”, and “I know you are, but what am I?”

I for one think a rainbow colored tabard would be a fun addition to our transmog repertoire…and further, that a pair of baggy camouflage pants and Rambo-like headband would be great too.

Its a game, we dont need that nonsense!


An MMO is all about peoples agendas, I think you are looking for a single player game…

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