Still no Rainbow/Pride transmog options?

Do you ever listen to how crazy you sound?


I’d argue that any time anyone wears pride themed clothing or accessories it’s almost explicitly for show. I am not a fan of the rainbow theme, I personally think it’s tacky, but I respect the symbolism.

But some of those employees, and other people in the LGBT community, wear rainbows year round. Good for them, I guess…

OW finally added a bit of LGBT flair to their icon selection, so I don’t really see why rainbows in WoW is out of the question.

But I also don’t see how it could possibly be a priority.


Pushing for LGBT pride to be used as bait to fish out transgressors is not a good look. I personally cannot abide.

They say if you’re looking for trouble, you’re bound to find it. That’s what this is. :confused:


That’s my reasoning also.

It’s not a priority but, that dosen’t mean it they can’t add it in the future.

So you want a controversially themed tabard in the game, just to punish people?


He wants to crush dissenting opinions. Anyone who doesn’t think what he thinks needs to be punished. He wants to use the tabard as bait (as you said) and the social contract as a means to exact his punishments… If this isn’t Orwellian I don’t know what is.

What an absolutely crazy world he must live in. He sees enemies and hatred everywhere, homophobes around every corner.


With a tie-die tabard. At least you are honest with what you want now: censorship.


Except that you can’t. I happen to be living proof. So go right on false flagging people and thinking happy thoughts.

Btw - Your grasp of the social contract leaves much to be desired. Whatever the EULA says, the only social contract that matters is “I pay Blizzard money. They let me play their game.”

You may now recount about how much of a phobe I am and how you have me blocked, and how you have my number and all that. For my part I’m a tad bit disappointed that Blizzard continues to allow you to antagonize everyone.


The point is that if it is normalized it won’t be controversial. It’ll be just a positive side note in the meantime that 'phobes will be detoxed out of the community.

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I don’t even know if it’s there, made mine so long ago… but have you checked the guild vendor to see if you can design your very own?

Oh, and acceptance is different than trying to turn the entire game (pronoun)

I think adding flags is risky / a slippery slope.

People will want country flags, political flags, sports flags, and Tbh that’s pretty immersion breaking.

That being said, the color scheme “rainbow” could still be used on tabards or whatever, we already have a rainbow generator toy and other stuff.

We get it bro, you’re poorly RPing as a member of the LGBTQ+ in an effort to make them look bad.


Coming from one of the people that would name drop me in MSP and took the harassment off platform, kinda intriguing you’d try to come out with that while you and Mori have ‘not grown as a human being’ while continuing to try to talk down to others.

Kinda have to, actually. Then you have to keep fighting to keep what you earned, see Roe V Wade and whatever else might come.

Or it’s for being prideful for who they are, as well as attracting others that also are. Helping identify who is an ally if needed among various other reasons to wear any memorabilia.

Considering you’re one of said people, I can see why you’d be against it.


Like I said. :upside_down_face:

The fact that this guy hasn’t been banned from the forums says a lot about current western culture.


100% nailed it on the head right here. The OP has openly admitted that this suggestion has absolutely nothing to do with equal rights and inclusion, but that he purposefully wants it to start arguments and fights in an effort to get people banned and to chase away Blizzard’s customer base. That’s absolutely the definition of Trolling.

The OP isn’t helping LGBQT+ representation, he’s very actively harming and undermining it.


And not just them, but other people like them. Actively admitting to this is despicable behavior. But for at least some of the perpetrators, I’m not surprised. Some people are very clearly stuck in their own head.

I don’t know much about OP’s reputation but I feel like if they were serious about these topics they’d stop posting on that character. Even other members of the LGBT community don’t take them seriously.

This topic itself (although it’s clearly bait) doesn’t violate any rules. I don’t even think admitting that they want pride representation to be used as bait violates any rules. It’s just shameful.


Because the other people are not trolling, baiting and label happy like yourself. The community respects those people.

No one respects you, and really it shouldn’t come as a shock, you feign upset when people tell you as much.


The forum rules are purposely vague. You can be banned for absolutely anything. But anyone who promotes left wing ideas is above the law, including trolls. It’s ridiculous.

Multiple people including myself have seen the screenshots you posted and multiple people have said they were photoshop. If multiple people are saying the same thing that means chances are you are the one lying here. Prove they weren’t photoshop until then he doesn’t have to do anything because he isn’t the one providing them. You are.