Still no Rainbow/Pride transmog options?

Ah! So we can claim anything here. Then I guess you were the one that were there faking the screenshots, in the Library, with photoshop. :3

Pretty sure you’re the one that does that, considering how much you do it. You’re the one that blindly believed a fotoforensics app because you and others couldn’t figure out how to use it properly. You’re also quite happy to spite a good suggestion just because you dislike the OP, so it shows that you have a strong grudge where you’re willing to bend your ‘truth’ to spite. Shrug

Thank you for admitting original poster and yourself are baiters. Outplayed.


I believe my eyes.
It was visibly photoshopped.
It was off centre and the colours didn’t match.

Feel free to deny it.
I and many others saw you do it first hand.

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You made the claim that someone else’s photos were not ‘faked’ when I pointed out theirs were ‘off centre’ and the ‘colors didn’t match’ in the same exact way you claimed mine were. Your spite and grudges proved then your bias. It’s that simple.

But of course, that’s all just talk from you without any evidence. Just like now you’re trying to fabricate in front of my eyes. ;3

Mm, nope went off your claims. If you believe them to be, then you continually bite despite your claims in the first place. Some day you’ll figure it out.

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Quit talking to the mirror; it’s quite rude when there are people talking to you.

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And what photo would that be?
Its funny how you’re trying to flip this but that does sound about right for you.
Ps, I do have the screenshots you posted on my phone


Keep a tally, you’re good at receiving them I guess?

OP, I truly believe that no matter how many of your demands, complaints, endless threads or wishes were satisfied;

You would never be sated. There would always be another issue.

It’s a big /yawn from me, absolutely 0/10


I believe that you believe that.

there are several other transmog options that you can be proud of.

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I want a Hulk Hogan tabard.

That’s all she does, scream “bigot” at random people and run away when proven wrong 100% of the time.


Did you guys know the word “heter o” is blocked? Wild.


Hah that would have been a good roast but you look extremely generic, on a human male paladin no less.

Patch 9.2.5

  • Added some Gay outfits

I don’t think that’ll go down as well as you think.


i know. relatable, rooted in familiar… it’s an awesome tmog. Thank you.

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The alt-right man children can break their monitors for all I care

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But I was coming at it from the PoV of gay people. I’m sure many of them don’t want to be singled out or have Blizzard add stuff “for them”.

To make light of the situation,
I’m British, that doesn’t mean I want to see the Queens face everywhere I go.
I can’t help but feel that sometimes gay people feel the same way about rainbows.


And I’m coming from the POV of myself, a gay man in a relationship with another gay man. I want to be able to wear a rainbow tabard if I choose to. Currently the choice doesn’t exist.


Then why isn’t the title of your thread: “Suggestion: Rainbow Tabard”?
Why the bait “No pride tmog?”