Sadly I am just taking a break till I feel like I can return to the game to be honest. And I don’t feel pressured to return tbh whenever I feel like it
It’s colorful enough, bro. It’s in clown suit territory as it is.
That’s the nice thing about that game. You can take a break and not worry about being behind. I’ve learned to appreciate it!
If this game is as you belive to be very “phobic” then why would you want to have a mog that would be like putting a bullseye on your back for harassment?
Either to antagonize or play victim. You cannot say this games rife with phobic then demand something that would bring you harassment.
So yeah looking to troll or cause more drama. Your words do not match your actions at all.
Yes I can. I know phobes are still rampant in gaming at large, which is why I want to show off my Pride more so, to be unafraid for other LGBTQIAP+ youth to feel comfortable being their authentic selves.
Sprite Darter outfit. Enjoy.
Close, but not rainbow enough. Enjoy.
I really think it suits you.
Oh yay another Talonbeaktulskinvalea tread to mute
You know what would suit me more? A rainbow tabard.
One doesn’t exist. One can be yours for the low low price of… whatever it costs.
Id rather just get a real tabard. No ones really paying attention to what others transmog is 9 of the 10 times. I know I dont stay still long enough to see anyones armor I just use corgi glasses and I’m in a happy place full of puppies.
I don’t know why you guys flag the OP’s threads, Blizzard will just unflag them and give them flag/report protection anyway. I’d bet they have an unspoken rule about these threads at the Blizzard office.
That’s fine, but I can get a White/Straight pride tabard too, right?
I’ll also add unless you are announcing your sexuality in random groups upon joining…no one gives a hoot about it. Theres little socialization in randoms and guilds are usually already likeminded…
So it really comes off as attention seeking and unnecessary… And imho rainbow is so gaudy it goes with nothing.
They can put it in. Nothing will change lol
You’re free to make your own thread and ask. This thread is about rainbow colors which are fantastic for transmog purposes.
Personally if they make another rainbow anything I want it to be a robot unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail. >:C
There is already an item with pride colors in wow: the Competitor’s Tabard.
It’s essentially a rainbow of rings, or close enough.
Go mix and match existing mogs and stop whining.