I don’t appreciate you devaluing my sexuality as an assumptioner. Blizz, can you clean this bigot up, please?
- dislike of or prejudice against transs*xual or transgender people.
As taken from the Oxford dictionary. Sit.
Why is the “-phobia” root word only different in this definition? Weird.
Neither of which I have. Be whoever you want, identity however you want, just don’t expect me to bend to your whims.
You literally won’t even respect a trans non-binary Developer’s pronouns.
Both of you transphobes are blocked and reported. Your replies are hidden but will bump my thread.
Why are you so intolerant? Blizz, clean this bigot up, please.
Respect has nothing to do with that. Shall we try an exercise? I identify as a king and my pronouns are “Your Majesty/His Majesty”; I expect you to respect them.
Oh, so you won’t respect me. You, by your own definition, are a bigot.
I want to also highlight the hypocrisy of this phrase:
If there is no binary between the two sexes, then why would one feel the need to transition from one to the other?
Ahhh, two Hidden Replies. Peace from phobes at last.
Maybe in the future. We’re getting a class with rainbow spells so. Rainbow options for gear would be nice for transmog.
You are frighteningly weak.
One post huh? Must be one of the salty phobes.
I wouldn’t bother with him; got his head shoved so far up inside he can serve himself a second helping of last night’s meal.
or maybe we can slay dragons without concerning ourselves with who every is hooking up with… is that not the ideal, when your sexuality isnt important and doesnt define you and you are just the same as the rest of the numbers? Or do you feel the need to stand out and make this a whole thing about you.
What faction is that? What achievement? Guild?
Granted I don’t care if it gets added, I don’t really use tabards… but harms no one.
Don’t see why not. shrugs No real lore basis for a pride flag in game but Im sure they can put that in there somewhere if they wanted to. Tbh, I’m here to game not to discuss my gender identity or preferences but y’know everyone’s different.
Yes, rainbow tabard. Hurts absolutely nobody.
It’s amazing what one can do with multiple windows, isn’t it?
It’s amazing what one can do with multiple windows, isn’t it?
A good attempt but the two posts completely disproves your point.
Tuuuln and myself are on separate regions entirely.
Granted, it took a little finesse. Couldn’t do the character swap on my second window until AFTER my first post was made due to how things are programmed, but it’s highly trivial and takes about 20 seconds.
It’s even more trivial if someone is using multiple accounts/computers (and don’t think for a moment that a troll on a message board wouldn’t coordinate their posts just to go “See? They both can’t be me!”)
Except all of my alts are in my guild.