Still no player housing?

Inns are better.

Honestly, i’m ok with this BUT i know that the majority of the folks that play this game would not be. I don’t think it would be this but i do think they would really need to build it in the background for an expansion or 2 to get ahead of the curve and then if they were smart about it they could add a little bit every patch after they dropped the big “feature” live.

It probably won’t happen but i think it’s good that folks keep bring up what they want and are passionate about for the game. For me personally i would like to see Player housing come with a couple of new professions partially tied to it in Woodworking (finishing)/Lumberjacking (gathering).

It could also honestly be a part of a larger feature like guild “housing” and then players could buy rooms to customize within the guild “house”…just as another option i could see. This could foster guild play and connections and perhaps some additional guild content over time. Just spit balling at this point but i still think this feature should be in the game and hope Blizzard gets serious about this at some point and makes it happen.

yeah I would like to see it happen as well, I just can see where there could be conflict in resource management and probably why they continue to maintain the idea that if they bring it in it would need to have some other purpose, A philosophy I disagree with but if the resources used would take away from time making active content it would be an understandable reason.

I must admit, when i learned there was nothing Player Housing related mentioned at Blizzcon, a large chunk of my excitement died right there and then lol

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Blizzard are making a lot of changes such as account wide systems, it’s an inevitability that player housing will eventually follow suit.

I think it could be a great addition because it would breathe new life into professions that could provide an infinite source of resource utilization, numerous items players can craft that are not tied to player power, new recipes, that can be introduced as time goes on.

There could be new professions introduced that ties into it.

I do think it’s eventually coming, they just have to get all of the other logistics into place first such as the warband system which is definitely a step in that direction.

A very bold and baseless prediction, but I think we see it introduced in Midnight.

Absolutely, i could totally see carpentry being a new profession, there could be furniture patterns dropped from all over the last 20 years of content, racially themed furniture from specific content, drape recipes for tailors etc, they could use it to stimulate a lot of activity in all professions and old content.

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I would love a new reason to go back and farm old content again. SWTOR had a pretty basic housing system but it would work well in WOW. Would love to see something like SWG had but don’t see that happening

Please go away

Waste of development time.


PVP is a waste of development to me but since people enjoy it I wouldn’t say to stop developing it. Just cause you don’t enjoy something doesn’t mean many others don’t.

I don’t like PvP either, but it doesn’t cost whole raid tiers and it’s actual gameplay.

Rearranging your virtual sofa is Ubisoft levels of clown not gameplay.


How is a Garrison the size of a small town a small version of a house?

Raid tier is only good for what? 3 to 6 months? Rather move my couch around for the life of the game :slight_smile:

This meme died back in 2014.

This is real life in the U.S.

I already collected that mount.


Same! I need house items now lol

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The Garrisons are still there.


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I’m weird cause I really just don’t want it. OR at the very least I don’t care about it in the slightest. So many games have it- and do it better than WoW ever could. Guild housing I might want a bit more.

I won’t complain if they add it, it just seems like such a pointless thing to me.

“WoW should have player housing so there would be more microtransactions in the shop” is not the hot take I expected to hear today.