Still no player housing?

Outside of mog there was no announced feature that I was more excited for than dance studio. I’m still sad to this day.

Joking aside I was interested in how it would look interface wise and I think it would have been cool to make funny dances.

I honestly dont care what you think or do. The numbers have been presented multiple times on this forum.

Iv been on the forums for a while havent seen them, and you only have 200 posts so you havent been here that long

Me too. I love it when games release tools to edit/create. It would have been fun! I wish that wow at least had the ability to learn new dances like ff xiv.

Please stop acting like you know everything.

I think you’ll be ok.

We don’t a need private Goldshire Inn

I dunno, I have no coffee in front of me right now.

Considers car waiting outside and shops very close by… Right, I’m off!

We don’t? I dunno, I think it would be fun to run an Inn ingame. Especially if it sold coffee as well.

I just found this really cool trailer of a Pserver that looks like it’s doing just that, but this makes me think if a small team of nobodies can do this in 18 months who knows what the current devs can do

Honestly will never understand why Blizzard feels like if they add something it has to have some other purpose to it. All player housing needs to be is an instanced location you can go to and decorate. If your looking for added functionality allow the ability to get trophies from bosses and pvp to put in your home. Maybe some elf ears can be crafted into a necklace to place somewhere. Or maybe you want to put the weapon of a raid boss up on display. Could end up allowing for a more fluff profession available such as taxidermy or woodworking to create furniture or displays of your big hunts.


Star Wars Galaxies had player cities and housing and came out a year before WoW.

I’ll agree with you it’s probably an engine thing, but people have been asking for player housing in WoW for a more than a decade. Why? Because every MMO releasing at the same time and after had it.

On top of it being easy evergreen content, for a studio that now loves to monetize everything it would be pretty easy to add shop items to make money for housing cosmetics. Because let’s be real, FF14, ESO, and SWTOR aren’t making their bank from level boosts, they’re making the money off of the bling.


Oh yeah, you could have your in-game earned player house plots. Then you can have your premium housing plots that cost like $20 or $30 then you can have your super premium plots that cost like $200 then you can add your VIP Premium slots that come at the cost of $5000.

If star citizen can sell ships, WoW can sell housing.

Sad how much hate there is for something that would bring a lot of joy to others…

let’s not copy ESO money shop please - speaking as an ESO player

And just like mounts, pets and mogs the housing items could be added in everywhere


The only creativity outlet we have in WoW is transmog.

I’d have a badass house, if I could build/customize one.

I miss WildStar for that reason, lol.

It was like WoW, but with housing and customizable vehicles (ALL mounts btw), years before WoW had the dragon manuscripts.

Could even be an additional use for trader tender, heck could even go a long way to making people happy. WoW has long had people decrying for compensation when the game has a late maintence period… EZ solution start giving trader tenders for that and add something like housing items to the trader tender market. Win/Win people would actually start hoping for down time then just so they can get their expensive trader tender items faster.

Lack of will on Blizzards part? Maybe they are fixated on trying to fix the game and story before going down this path? Who knows. However you are right there is a big hunger for it from the player base and thus these threads keep coming up and i suspect will keep coming up over time.

Tbh I think it likely comes down to resources. It would take the same resources and team members used to develop zones to develop player houses and that could be problematic if they are wanting to release content at a faster pace. I know it’s a meme, but this is why there is a saying that it would cost a raid tier.