Still no player housing?

Every big MMO running today has player housing except WoW? This has been asked for since the beginning yet nothing unless you count the garrisons. Personally I want this as I love to collect items and run out content which could be loaded with items.
Is there some good reasons why we shouldn’t have this??


They tried mini housing before (garrisons) which failed.

So chances are, we aren’t going to see player housing in WoW ever. If they can’t get a small version right, chances are, they won’t get a big version right either


Well, it’s not just a snap of the fingers, it takes a lot of work and development resources. So they look to find out if it will be really worth all the work they put in, by considering how many players will be drawn to the game because of it, or subscribe for longer, etc. Most business decisions are about profit (revenue - cost) so if the cost to do that work seems like it will be higher than the additional revenue that results from that work, they won’t do it.


Oh look, a dead horse.


it was planed in the alpha release build
but was scraped due to time constraints. and trying to figure out how they should be unlocked
and that old gated portal in sw that was the zone in for players homes

I gave up on WoW having housing. So I play Palia instead.

Because we don’t have to have and people need to stop asking for it… they can’t even handle anything they give out currently without complaining up a storm and they tore Garrisons a new one when they where basically the same thing as a test

aka stop asking for something we don’t need

I dont want players housing theres like another game you can play for that something like Sims or something

Garrisons weren’t anywhere near player housing. They may have tried to call it housing, but it absolutely wasn’t.

Stop telling people what to do and what they’re allowed to want. Their opinion is just as valid. Get over it.


Agreed - garrisons were not player housing. They were more like mini cities.

And I don’t remember Blizz ever saying Garrisons were housing, or meant to be it. The team knows what players mean by player housing (see Hazel’s interview with Ion last year) and garrisons are not it.


Back when they announced Garrisons someone mentioned it as being housing. That’s why people try to argue that. It was dumb for Blizz to use that wording, imo.


How about you not telling people what they can or cannot ask for?


After dance studio makes it in.

Question is what Player Housing serves?

In ESO its a way to show off achievements - Endgame activities give you trophies - and other activities give you different cosmetics that you can put around to make it look nice.

You can also obtain Chests for storage.

Considering the bank in WoW, is there a need for extra chest storage?

They’d have to go through the decade of content and add trophies to show off in a home.

Saying Garrisons is player housing is like saying adding shredded cheese to a Hot Pocket is ‘cooking’.

Housing is evergreen content, much like Tmog or pet battles.

While saying “Just play The Sims” for housing. The number of people who say that have 25 level battle pets, so why not just play Pokemon?

And no, people won’t just ‘hang around their houses’ because that makes no sense, you wouldn’t be able to get more things for your house just sitting in it; do people get Tendies sitting around the Trading Post? Do people get TMOG just sitting around? No…they EXPLORE, they do content.

Housing would make the professions not a joke anymore, and I think this Warband thing their doing might be a small step in the direction of Housing.


Garrisons weren’t housing and everyone knows it.


I can envision an FF14 type of system where only rich players can own houses and everyone else can buy an apartment. Oh, and you lose the house if you don’t log in for a few weeks.


WoW is nearly 20 years old. Most other MMOs are about 10 years old or younger. That’s why there’s no player housing here. It’s probably an engine thing.

Like one big MMO such as FFXIV the rest are dead

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I feel like player housing is such an overrated feature so I’m glad Blizzard is focusing on other stuff but I get why people want it. They’ll get around to it eventually I’m sure.