Still no player housing?

It’s not for everyone but has anything added to WOW ever been? Nice to hear someone disagree with it but not in a hatful way like many others in this post

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“WoW players are skeptical to things they don’t understand.” - Ion

Will always be the most valid statement that man has ever uttered with the way this community will fight against QoL features and new systems like it somehow offends them that people want them.


The forums do not represent the whole community. A lot of QoL request get quite a bit of positive responses on reddit and twitter.

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That is the best reply yet lol

YEah. If they add it cool. I just won’t engage with it. The only reason I’d get hateful is if they tie it to player power. (Which they wouldn’t.) And even then it’d be at blizzard.

I’ll just ignore it like I do pet battles.

Are you really gonna say that to a 17 year vet lol

Do we need to discuss this topic once more, as it seems to have been reiterated countless times? Is the inclusion of housing truly necessary within the game? Would anyone genuinely be interested in viewing your modest dwelling?

I think ill beat it just one more time,you know. To make sure its dead.

Yes, i want olayer housing!!!

Honestly I’ll never understand how some players think this is on their radar at all.

When ion or whomever it was from blizzard said the issue is the dev time involved and they would have to sacrifice a raid tier to do it…that was them telling you nicely “we don’t have time for that we rather work on other content “

Because depending on how they do it, the time excuse is a lie. The majority of the assets already exist and a scene could be made in around 30 seconds or less. That and it’s silly to stop asking. You may not get what you won’t if you ask, but if you don’t ask you greatly increase the odds you never will.

World of Warcraft isn’t Lord of Rings. Our characters have no way to write about their adventures in-game.

Housing sounds fantastic on paper and in theory, but in practice, it brings a lot of problems.

There are never enough houses for everyone. Let’s assume the company releases 1000 houses per server.

  • 250 Small houses at 1000k Gold
  • 250 Medium houses at 2000k Gold
  • 250 Large houses at 3000k Gold
  • 250 Mansions at 4000k Gold

RMT (Real Money Traders) will buy these houses and resell them for 4-5 times the price. So, you’ll end up paying 5000k Gold for a small house, which will infuriate your player base and create unbearable drama on the forums.

If the WoW Token is at 300k, imagine paying up to 10 times that price for a house.

Extreme measures would have to be taken to keep RMT in check and prevent your players from abusing the system, generating even more drama.

Perhaps instanced apartments like in FFXI, where you can invite 4 people, would be less problematic