I didn’t experience original AV firsthand but I did see someone playing it and the Alliance summoned their Boss. It was Epic! That being said, I would imagine there were many changes made to AV, which would be a ton of work. I don’t think the Classic team has as much resources to work with at the moment. Maybe once they start making money off of Classic more resources can be devoted to Classic server restoration.
The changes to AV - aside from the point of physical BG changes and removing the mess in the middle - is actually fairly minor, it’s just HP/DMG changes on existing NPCs, and increasing the number of NPCs…that’s the majority of it.
It’s no different than retuning an instance, and they have all of the existing models/info already - just need to tweak the numbers up.
From a “design” standpoint it should be fairly easy.
That being said I have a sneaking suspicion that we’re getting 1.12 AV, which is definitely better than nothing, but not as good as 1.6 (IIRC)
I hope we get the later av.
Early av was just bad. It was horribly bad.
All of the people in this thread claiming to speak for all who want vanilla and saying we all want 1.6 or prior, well you don’t.
I hated it. I’m not sure how much I can emphasize that point.
I’m not trying to be a killjoy but it was worse than the original strand of the ancients and isle of conquest. Because at least they end.
I feel like the majority of players asking for the older AV haven’t even stepped foot in the older AV. They either are asking for it just to see what it’s like or they have hopped on the bandwagon of everyone saying “DAE REMEMBER WEEK LONG AVS LOL”. Seriously, this doesn’t make AV more fun for anyone it just makes it so no one wins woohoo! Do you like those games in WSG where the enemy has your flag and jumped on top of the horde base and now noone can win? I don’t think thats fun and that’s exactly how old AV feels.
Summoning that boss looked frickin awesome, not going to lie. It seriously looked like there was an Epic battle going on. I never saw that gameplay ever again after that day.
AV was a war front before a war front even was ever a thought. Nothing remotely close to what the garbage we have today it.
If blizzard would have modeled war fronts based of off old AV they would have had something special. But they made it NPC ez mode free loot.
Comparing WSG and AV is like apples to oranges, both fruit/BG’s but so different. If u dont like old AV dont play it , just pop in to see all the fun we are having , then leave, just the way I “feel”.
I remember being a lowbie in ‘Old AV’ I sucked at PvP (Fun Fact: Still do!) But, I use to do the quests and side objectives, the PvE stuffs to help out my team. It was great! I really felt like I was helping and especially so that I wasn’t feeding them kills.
I’d prefer the super long old AV, but I think I’d still enjoy the 1.12 version.
I remember getting in there for the first time at like 52 and having 0 clue what I was doing. People taught me about the turn-ins and I helped with what I could in that way - kept farming and farming and then we got to summon Ivus, it was AWESOME.
The PVE elements directly influence the PVP side of the BG, and also help tp make the BG as much like WPVP as orcishly possible.
The irony is the PVE elements they nerfed, moved and removed all contributed to AV becoming less and less PVP oriented, and into the race to the PVE end.
Sorry, they were quick enough to put a price on classic play, they need to earn it.
Another person “in the know” , are you sure you just dont “feel” that way , either way ill play both but im hoping we get the epic 3 day long boss summoning , non-zerg fest that AV turned out to be, just the way I “feel”.