Still no answers about Brutosaur?

Alright imma stop you right there. There is not a single person who started in Vanilla WoW that did so BECAUSE stuff was limited and things were constantly removed often completely arbitrarily. The reason Vanilla WoW popped off so hard was because it was one of the first MMOs ever, and sure EverQuest was already going for like 5 years at the time but Vanilla WoW was revolutionary for the genre. Even things from Vanilla that seem archaic and clunky by todays standards were massive improvements compared to what the very few other MMOs at the time were offering. No one was jumping into Classic singing the praises of FOMO because the majority of the stuff from classic that ended up being FOMO/removed forever were things >90% of the people that played at the time were never going to be able to achieve in the first place. You know what WoWs playercount was during Scarab Lord event? Do you know how many people ACTUALLY achieved Scarab Lord title+mount originally? probably .01% of the playerbase.

Do you know what % of the playerbase even got to set foot into Vanilla Naxxramus LET ALONE kill even the first boss?

No one was playing BECAUSE of that stuff, people were playing bc this game was the best MMO experience available in general.

Certain things are totally understandable to FOMO: AOTC mounts, PvP Gladiator mounts, Scarab Lord, Anniversary Event rewards, Blizzcon pass rewards, pre-patch event exclusives (even though as far as I’m aware all the prepatch mounts are still obtainable via BMAH) etc. hell even crappy store mounts can be limited idc because all of these things are stated and known to us to be limited from the get-go

A mount with a unique and incredibly useful gimmick that was released and billed as the goldsink of the expac which have always historically been permanent non-fomo items anyone could go back and get should not be among them. And even then I’m not mad about it being removed from the original vendor. I’m mad because they told us it would just move to BMAH, which it did at first and no one had a reason to be mad because it was showing up as regularly as every other mount available there. Blizzard then went and released a hotfix, that they told us was just to also make Bruto a possible drop from the unclaimed container (again, awesome! Who could be mad about the chance of getting such a cool mount from something they might’ve only spent 100k gold on!). This ended up being either a complete lie, or an extremely bent truth and that’s why we want a proper ackownedgement and answer about this because we have hard evidence that ever since that patch dropped Bruto went from appearing just as often as all other mounts to seemingly appearing twice total across all of EU (and both of these appearances were within a month or two after the hotfix supposedly went live and none since then meaning it’s just as likely they could’ve been flukes due to a delayed/staggered rollout of the hotfix to certain realms) and 0 times across all of NA in over 1.5 years.

If Bruto really is “showing up as intended” in BMAH currently, it would mean that it had it’s chance to drop so significantly nerfed that it would statistically be the lowest “drop chance” item in the entire game and probably one of if not the lowest drop chances among all videogames in general as you can see by the calculation Karci ran and that calculation is based on it being a 0.1% chance on BMAH which is already significantly lower than everything else on BMAH. There is something not adding up, and we as players have the right to ask and right to know exactly what is going on. This also begs the question of if the hotfix really was to additionally add it to unclaimed BMAH container why have we not gotten a single confirmed bruto drop from the container from anyone ever during this time? Bear in mind the actual item id of the container seemingly stayed the same before and after the supposed container hotfix, but if it’s drop contents were altered and updated the ID should’ve changed as well meaning Blizz likely completely lied about the nature of that hotfix to begin with.

See below quoted post for the calculation and why we have every reason to believe something is up and we deserve a proper answer.

no but I am doubtful many or any people are quitting because things are removed either. 14 years ago things had been removed when I started and I never quit because they weren’t obtainable - plenty of things in the game made that not necessary.

The mount falls into the same category as these things.

The mount doesn’t fall into that same category though because initially when it was released it wasn’t supposed to be a single expansion mount, it was the gold sink mount (just like the 2 mil spider / 500k vendor mounts)

The fact that they stated the brutosaur would drop from the BMAH, and it was dropping until their “hotfix” indicates there is something seriously wrong

It wasn’t a gold sink mount. It was aimed at people who have been making gold over a long period of time. 5 million is too expensive for most people so it didn’t remove much gold from the game. Anyone who bought this mount originally had more than double that amount of gold and it was just sitting there.

When they decided to make crafted legendaries when they were making SL, is probably when they decided to limit it (i.e. remove from vendor) because they knew gold was going to be made easy that expansion.

Marla is a known forum troll. Information is always wrong, gets nasty and screams about putting people on ignore. Don’t feed it.

and harassment gets you reported

According to their own post though they say it should be on the BMAH

The issue OP is talking about is the fact that it has not shown, and is bugged with not showing up

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