Still no answers about Brutosaur?

Fact it wasn’t listed as a limited timed mount either, like the AOTC mounts…FACT.


I didn’t read all 107 comments so I apologize if I’m repeating anything that anyone said. But yes it’s been confirmed that it has dropped in the black market however the bad news is it’s almost always gold capped so no one can outbid you. In other words you better check every single day and have 10 mill gold ready to throw at it. Good luck. :wink: I got mine in BFA days but boi!!! I love my mount.

that is true but it was intended for the people with gold already - not for people who hadn’t been making gold over the years.

BS neither of the Mammoth or Yak or Spider were removed and still in game back then many didn’t have the gold to buy the Mammoth and most had to wait till following expansion to afford the Mammoth or Yak or even Snake which is 2 Million gold itself…


blizzard stated that was who it was for and they said the yak was a mistake - that should have been limited as well because they pumped too much gold into the game and that became frivolous to obtain.

If enough people bring attention to the issue, then blizzard will care.

Ironically the people who want the chance at the mount is still not enough people to affect blizzard or get them to reply since it’s still a non issue in their eyes.

The fact there’s only a few forum threads requesting transparency is a drop in an ocean.

Most likely until a larger mass of voices come up to complain we won’t ever see a fix for this, which is pretty disheartening but it’s not hurting enough people for them to care unfortunately.

Blizzard wanted to make money, when they announced they were removing the Bruto from the AH wow tokens were actually capped at a weekly rate, they lifted the cap so people could spend IRL currency to buy the mounts. Since then they make no profit off of people requesting these to come back.

Either we rally together for more voices to make it a reasonable complaint size, or it just fizzles out and it goes unchecked again for the foreseeable future.

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honestly don’t even care about the AH part of it, I just want a long boi: even if slightly smaller, I still want a long boy: Blue, grey or any other color will do.

Need a link for this.

Nothing should be limited… That is bad for the overall health of the game.


it was a mistake. now i have to mount up for everyone that needs an ah outside of the city that knows i have it. or because i am a nice person i stay mounted even when i am finished because someone ran up and is using it. big mistake.

lots of things were limited in classic and the game grew like crazy

Different time and different gamers now, why you think the game has declined so much?

giving people everything easy mode isn’t going to encourage people to stay

I never said to do that. Most younger players that I have talked to that tried and quit WoW want solo character progression and less chores. I don’t think anything should be time limited in game, just removes things for any potential future players.

This game isn’t getting new players and the older ones are slowing dissipating.

these new players don’t belong in this game - you change for those types and the others leave.

new players who grew up with 100s of games to choose from are never going to stick around so adjusting the game for them is a fool’s errand.

You say that but eventual this game dies because of that thinking.


That is a downright lie…they never said that about the Yak…if it was a so called mistake like the Long Boi why is it still in game to this day…same goes for the Mammoth and the Spider…you all forgot about that spider now …that spider costs 2 Million and still in the game…blizzard made up that BS story when they got caught trying to remove the Long Boi without telling the player base in the first place…they got called out and now players like you want to defend their scummy ways of removing a mount that should still be in game.

Again it was nothing but a pol to sell Tokens and make cash off those players that were a bit short in gold funds to buy the Long Boi before it was gone.

And then by putting it on the BMAH they make more on tokens again as some of the player base will be buying tokens as time goes by so they can be at the 10 Million mark if they catch it on the BMAH as it will always max out the first moment it shows up in the BMAH.

yes of course ‘because the game isn’t the way I want it, it is going to die’.

third time you said I was lying and I was not - you are going on ignore.

I guess you haven’t noticed the drastic loss of subs over the years! Which is still continuing now!

and it of course is because they aren’t making the game the way you think they should. :woman_facepalming:

Yeah, at least we agree on this all their experiments so far have failed.

Your ideas are killing the game for sure! :person_facepalming: