Still no answers about Brutosaur?

You know , everyone knew that it was going away later on i was like 1 mil short of the mount, i coulda bough like 4 tokens and got the mount , but it wasent worth it to me really… i dont know why everyone is freaking out its been like over 2 years

I wish i could sell mine for 5 mil. Done with the ah game.

Yes we found out over a year into BfA about it being removed that is what is upsetting to most of the player base now…the other two high end mounts the Yak and Mammoth were never removed from the game and still in game for all to buy, they were considered high end gold mounts of their time frame back then…but you can still buy them off the vendor…that is what pissed off most of the WoW community was the removal of the Long Boi when the others were never taken out…if it was still in game folks could work to make the gold to buy it but not now …its basically gone …even if it shows up on the so called BMAH it will cost more then the original price of 5 Million.

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So everyone knew, people had the chance to get the mount and they even had the notice … dont have to gold go buy tokens if you really want it that bad, dont see all this drama over this mount, if you didnt play back then thats too bad

But how do you feel about the “boring”, “braindead” grind that is knowledge points for professions?

When did they say that?

Not everyone can afford to drop a few hundred dollars in real money for tokens to build up their gold fast enough to buy it before BfA ended…only reason I was able to buy it day 1 was I worked 14 max level toons in WoD and Legion on the mission board gold missions and got lucky selling some Battle pets that made me a few million gold…I worked those mission board like a stock trader and made my millions…not everyone had the time to do it the way I did…I am home 24/7 can’t work …no kids…as long as the mount should of been still in game to this day this thread wouldn’t be here…just like the Yak and Mammoth still in game…the Long Boi should’ve still been in game to this day and not removed.

I am of the mindset that it should just be put back onto the regular vendors, put in the trading post, or at least put on the BMAH like they claimed they would. I only saw it up there once ever. Also, a non AH Brutosaur mount would be cool, I just want the Bruto itself, the AH is a bonus I don’t necessarily need.

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Dude, really, you should read this as if you were an impartial person and think about what kind of person would write this.

you don’t have a statistically significant amount of data to make the claims you’re making.

Rare items are rare. 1% chance per day doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed one after 100 days.

You have no clue what you’re talking about and have a very poor grasp of the probabilities and statistics involved.

In the time between July 14, 2021 (the “hotfix” day previously mentioned) and now, according to all the reliable reports I’ve seen, it has spawned 0 times in NA and 1 time in EU [source below for the one confirmed sighting]. According to WoWProgress, there are 83 NA realms and 92 EU realms. So, we’re talking about 175 realms. It has been 550 days since July 14, 2021. 175 * 550 = 96,250. It has spawned once in 96,250 chances it has had to spawn.

Do you not understand how completely ridiculous it is to assume that is “working as intended”?

Let’s get crazy and assume they gave it an insane 1 in 1000 chance of spawning, which is a FAR lower spawn chance than any of the other several hundred items in the BMAH item table. The chance of it spawning less than 2 times in 96,250 trials with a 1/1000 spawn chance is 1.47e−40 [source below], aka 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000014%, aka a lower chance than the same person winning the Powerball jackpot 4 times in a row…aka it is not even remotely realistic to assume this ever occurred or will ever occur.

Either the spawn rate is very broken, or they’re lying.

Sources (since I can’t make hyperlinks):

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Just wait a few months, maybe they will give it to someone who watch streamers for like 4 hours.

I think most of us who have it would be perfectly fine with it just being back on the original vendors. That 5 mil is still a hell of a barrier for most people.

and the price shouldn’t even change.

People always malding about “inflation” for every expansion and yet, wow token is actually cheaper than it was during shadowlands, while the “inflationist” logic it should’ve gone much higher than it was before.

The brutosaur was a mistake. It should be removed from the game, and the current owners should be refunded.

They didn’t actually say it was a mistake in the sense that it never should have been introduced. A higher number of the mounts were being acquired than anticipated, and that conflicted with their design goal - so they capped new acquisition.

I don’t have the mount, and its removal wasn’t any kind of scummy.

They don’t think it was a mistake. They just don’t want the world littered with them.

Ohhhhh he// NO …love my Long Boi…

Oh yes it was very scummy way they removed it…it should of never been removed…the Yak and Mammoth were not removed and were considered high end gold mounts in their day.


No it wasn’t. It did NOT release as a limited mount, and we probably wouldn’t have even been told it was being removed from vendor if it weren’t for dataminers calling Blizzard out. Besides that point, it being removed from the vendor isn’t the issue here. The issue here is Blizz told us it would be moved to regularly appear in BMAH, they made good on this word for about a year, issued a hotfix, and it is seemingly entirely removed or had it’s spawnchance shadownerfed to be monumentally lower than anything else on the entire BMAH loot table.

You bring up AOTC mounts, but we ALL know AOTC mounts go away. They debut with the knowledge that they are limited Bruto did not debut this way. There also isn’t a single AOTC mount in the entire game that has a unique function beyond any other mount in the game either, yet Bruto does.

“If you didn’t play back then that’s too bad” is in zero way an okay justification for players not being allowed even the opportunity to acquire something with enough work that is a massive exclusive QoL bonus in game not offered in any other way. There are plenty of things in WoW FOMO is acceptable on. A unique and significant QoL feature should never be FOMO gone forever

Yeah you’re clowning yourself if you expect me to be impartial here when the entire premise of this thread is the overwhelming evidence that Blizzard lied to everyone’s faces (once again) and went back on their word. If blizz had never told us it would still be available and showing up in BMAH for the future none of us would be making these threads demanding answers for why it seemingly isn’t available and showing up in BMAH as per the collected BMAH data. If Blizz had told us it was being removed entirely from the game never to return at end of BFA and that was final it would’ve been just as scummy to allow only a small group of players to be allowed to exploit such a huge QoL boon, but at least blizz would’ve been honest and we would have to accept that (begrudgingly) but that’s not what happened. The evidence shows they lied, they made some sort of shadow change, refuse to elaborate at all on it, ignore threads about it, and give all tickets submitted about it an automated response directing them to ask in the forums


Don’t you have to exit the game to use the app? Like, you couldn’t buy a potion from the app while everyone was waiting for a boss pull and then pop a mailbox to retrieve it.