I used to run with a rouge for a few years before my computer crashed and I lost everything. I was just wondering if you remember my toon Throl a dwarf pally.
Yeah I think I remember that name!
Character: Darlena
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Former Guild: Call of the Nightingale
I used to play in the Call of the Nightingale guild, which was heavy RP. I remember the following other characters in the guild: Kaloc (mage), Balurn (priest), Nambi (night elf), Vesta (warlock, a RL relative of mine), Mary (rogue, a RL relative of mine) and another male warlock whos name escapes me atm but who was also in a secondary “evil” RP guild with as well.
I used to be in your guild! With Bandages, right? I played a Druid named Roony!
/hugs a Tela!
Character: Enyosu
Race: Night Elf
Gender: Female
Class: Druid
Former Guilds: Argent Exodus / Unity
Now on Wyrmrest Accord soon to be on Bloodsail Buccaneers (Horde) and/or Mankrik (Alliance).
Part of FB group World of Warcraft 35 and Over Club. <3 Kissies <3
Good! Lots of changes since back in the day Looks like we’re getting the band back together…
I played Zarilyn and Lianthe at the end of vanilla and in BC and will be rolling on Bloodsail Bucaneers with the other nerds. This thread was a fun trip down memory lane.
Bloodsail buccaneers, Alliance . Thorun
Pagle Alliance. Thorun
Mankirk. Horde Thorun.
Im plan on BB as my main server depending on people to play with to be honest.
Avoria! Wow, we did a lot of raiding together you and I. Tanks and heals hold the team together!! Amirite?! Good to hear from you
Keep in touch, let’s catch up Nalda#1338
This is Etakulix, I was a Night Elf Hunter back then. Mostly did PvP with Belaris.
Name: Narnathirin
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Renegade Gambit
Wonder if I’ll see any old friends pop up. First order of business is gonna be heading to a certain bar in the park district.
Dang I haven’t read those names in a while, hows it going!
Name: TripRider
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guild: Die Wacht Am Rhein
Name: Incredible
Race: Night elf
Class: priest
Guild: knights of valor
will be on rp server
Lots of KoV peeps! And it seems you’re all going to the RP server
Name: Mirkara
Race: Nelf
Class: Druid
Guild: Audentes Fortuna Iuvat
So back in the day I raided as Mirkara (resto druid) with a guild called: Audentes Fortuna Iuvat. I don’t know if anyone I played with still plays, but if you do I would love to say hi again.
The very same, Roony! Good to see you.
Hi friends, yeah it’s been an age. I haven’t been in WoW much lately (mostly on FFXIV these days) but debating if I’m gonna futz around in Classic. All is well, cool to see all these old names again!
Name: Finrod
Race: Night Elf
Class: Priest
Guild: Knights of Valor / The Advent