Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

Spy currently shows YOUR coordinates.

Spy could be updated now that the Combat Log range is shorter and fixed to triangulate based upon that info.

I see what you’re saying.

So let me get this straight:

You’re saying that it doesn’t currently do that but you hope it does?

Absolutely. I love finding new ways to optimize with limited information. Process control has always been fun for me.

No i think he is pondering if he could make it do so

It looks for its “trigger phrase” so to speak
it doesn’t ping the map for every single thing a guy does.
the map would be a festival of crawling dots.
Someone might like that i guess, i would not.

I’d not bother even trying, it isnt like you cant overload it with CounterSpy anyways already

So he’s trying to find hacks to make his own addon that triangulates leeching off of other users of the addon? Sounds like a bad idea…

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Spy just got trashed, like all your opinions supporting keeping it in the game. See you on the battlefield scrubs.

Get wrecked noob, spy is done.

Nice to know they make changes based on majority, as the whole less than one percent used something like Spy to begin with. So small a number of people were even editing their combat log that they changed it to be more in line with vanilla. They weren’t going out of game, finding an addon no one heard of, downloading it, and then extracting it into the game files either.
It’s a push of a button now, it’s why we’re seeing it today. I feel like that’s reasonable for a change.
However, I also don’t care as much now that it’d be a fixed 50 yards. 20 yards more than a cast range? You can manage with that, and it’s allot easier to hide from players at that range.

Glad to see something was actually done about this addon.

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Spy still works, more accurately than before… but okay?


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More accurately, lol

You won’t see rogues cry for this “improve” in accuracy.

Now everyone has stealth cause draw distances are garbo in this game, hence why viewing the combat log was even useful.

IN my defense, I used combat log viewing since forever / before spy.

It lost 300 yards in diameter, that’s definitely a nerf, bud… That’s a distance they now can’t detect stealth, or other players for their “roaming death squads”.

Multiple spy users can triangulate much more effectively. That’s a buff not a nerf.

The range is so short now I can sit a few feet off a road and watch people ride by - without spy picking up a single one of them. I could throw a rock and hit them.

Nerfed to the ground. Where it belongs.

Great job Blizzard!


If you were detecting stealth at 50-200 yards away, you had tons of time to react, realize its probably too far off to matter, and keep doing what you’re doing, like people have said countless times in this thread over and over about the uselessness of such a range. Standard 100% movespeed is 7 yards/sec. A Rogue while stealthed would be 4.9 yards/sec. At 50 yards, that’s ~9 sec to close the gap, since your hit box is about 3 yards out from your center.

So if you found someone hitting Stealth at ~150 yards you’re seriously telling me 30 seconds of “panic” are going to occur and that Rogue is going to get found? /giggle

Now it fires off close enough for Rogues to risk the >10 sec worth of movement to catch up to a stationary target by Stealthing beyond 50 yards, but also close enough that anyone caught by it is more readily found.


This is flatly wrong. But by all means, declare the addon dead, just like LFG it’ll continue to get used for its exact purpose.

Y’all really have no clue how any of this works do you?


Sucks to have your crutch nerfed huh?

-laughs into the sunset-

I love that I was part of the vocal crowd that got this garbage toned down to a whisper.

I mean would you rather be told a Rogue has 30+ seconds of stealth movement to get to you if you don’t move, or less than 10?

I mean if you’re satisfied with the buff, by all means.

I never had my Combat Log pegged at 200 yards. I set mine to 60 yards, just beyond draw distance, but losing those 10 yards isn’t going to hurt anything.

I’m happy you’re spreading the lie the addon is “dead” or w/e

For rogues is much better now, you still have a 360 sight that cross walls or other covers from the security of stealth, that help a lot to hunt. And now they won’t detect you when you arrive and stealth from the FP.

Rogues that use mount and try to stealth when near a opponent are a disgrace to the class, they don’t matter.

Within small areas, sure. But it won’t be on a mass scale. More along the lines of a worse hunter tracking. But def’ weaker than it currently is.

I’ve already discussed the potential for this happening with Fasciae, it’s still weaker. There’s also the potential for it to classify players by spec’, which is pretty damned strong as you could single out healers in the BG or open world quickly upon combat.

You’re missing the point. With 150 yard space to spare, you can spot the enemy and choose to stealth without “Masterganker stealthed Near you!!” popping up on the screen. 20 yards outside their casting range is fine. And in any case, Fasciae was all for tracking before.