Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

if you really dont know the difference in knowing when a class is there or not you arent very good at pvp…

the difference is when you know someone is there you are prepared more…you drink/eat to full more…when you know youre alone you act differently.

I think its the abilities and not the attack that would cause your felhunter and other pets to tap a rogue they could technically not see.

What’re you basing that from? Rogue stealth can reach like 93% base movement speed with 8% to boots, which does stack to stealth increase from +15% movement speed. It doesn’t stack with sprint, so the 8% would be dropped from that equation. So… It’s not that hard to close in on someone anymore for a rogue with only a 7% movement speed reduction, now is it? You could cross that 50 yard gap allot easier than the previous 200 yard cap. You’ve got plenty more time to stealth now before they get your stealth notification, and can do so if you see the enemy player before they saw you kind of deal, easier in the open world now.
Stealth Rank 4 30% speed reduction, +15% from sub’ tree, +8% on boot enchant.
Sprinting stealth would be like 155% movement speed. Almost enough to keep up with a player on a rare mount. Prob’ end up catching them if they’re farming, or scouting an area out and don’t know you’re there.

Based on in game yards per second, it’d be closer to 6.51 yards/sec stealthed, or 10.85 yards/sec sprinting in stealth. Granted, this is for PvP sub’ rogues, which is your typical PvP build.

Yeah, I have already noticed stealth is more in line with working as it was intended now. I can actually sneak around a fair amount in a city.

It’s not perfect, and ideally I’d want stealth to be removed from the combat logs entirely, but I’ll take what I can get, and this is a reasonable compromise.

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as a rogue the bigger range was actually better because all you did was stealth the second it pinged then stalk your target but hey if you like the person being right on top of you when you stealth so that they can watch you stealth pull you out of it enjoy being nerfed and ganked then i guess its gonna be fun to watch you cry more.

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The 50 yard range is a great step in the right direction.

Now people have to pay attention and not mindlessly spam the name list that pops up. The increased immersion is enjoyable.

Just be honest. You rolled a rogue to be able to completely lockdown a target with no way to attack the whole time and a mod gave them a fighting chance to know you are around. Spy is just as fair as the ability to stealth and gank someone helplessly sitting there unable to move. Spy just levels the playfield,

If you’re bad.

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it doesn’t hurt rogues spy never hurt rogues if anything it made us more lethal. rogues that were having issues with it were the rogues that are running up to their ganks and stealthing on top of them… then whining that the other play saw them and aoed them out.

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You can tell when someone had the addon because it didn’t matter where you were, this person automatically starts seizure AoEing around them and going OOM.

Hilarious. Now what are those poor souls going to do ?

Stealth and lockdown is all we have buddy.

Without it we are melee squishies who get kited.

Would you want to remove a warlock’s fear?

A warrior’s Charge?

A priest’s fear?

A mage’s CC?

They are in the game to make an otherwise weak class a viable one. Please don’t remove the one feature that makes us useful in battlegrounds.

you didn’t need the addon to get its effect though thats the point it was the api and all of this had been around since vanilla. also if they started blowing their aoe and cooldowns thats just good for a rogue because hay less mana and ability to worry about. all you do is stand off to the side till they wear themselves out.

Do so when you’re closer to them and now actually might tag you out from sheer dumb luck?

The shorter range can be worked with, but if they detect you, you’re actually in more danger of being detected immediately and pulled out of stealth than not, simply because a few random hops and a Flare or Arcane Explosion could ruin it. Before at 200 yards, if they spazzed out, you just waited them out until they stopped being paranoid, negating the point of the notification.

Base movespeed. I don’t remember if move speed buffs/debuffs are additive or multiplicative, and I’m not able to check at the moment.

That was kind of the whole thing, except for those who did not figure it out.
Have outliers spam stealth, causing paranoia, which eventually becomes complacency from anxiety burnout, and then…

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that’s rich
so very rich

As a horde rogue, spy + perception is game breaking.

The enemy “sees” me via spy and then can pop perception and see me halfway across the map.

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You must be basing the math on some slower, low level rogues or something. I just don’t have whatever you came up with. I’m thinking pvp rogue speed in this situation.

What’s the point of this post? Rogues are BY NO MEANS OP. They are actually one of the weaker classes. People just don’t know how to counter them.

Catseye goggles?


Orc stun resist?

Free action potion?

Dwarf stone form?


Hunter’s track hidden?

Faerie fire?



PvP trinket?

CC in general?

I’m missing a lot I’m sure but there are PLENTY of ways to counter a rogue or render them weak in a fight.

Most people just aren’t smart enough to use the counters.