You don’t know what you’re talking about and just spouting off nonsense. It has nothing to do with innovations and breakthroughs and it’s hilarious this is your train of thought.
It has to do with changing an API systems call functions that almost every mod uses for one mod. Like I said, they won’t change it.
I feel this is mainly just bad rogues crying at this point.
People have already stated multiple ways to get around spy announcing you already, and even if it does and people start spamming aoes… move away. They’ll stop. In most PvP servers you know a rogue is around you, or you should assume such anyways.
It’s not like it pops you out of stealth or makes you visible, and the game itself makes an audible sound when someone who’s stealthed becomes visible as well. You’re still a rogue, you can still do rogue things, but maybe realize stealthing close to someone isn’t actually that stealthy.
Yeah, you have no idea what you’re talking about, they can’t just make certain text protected from the call. You could make search strings for any combination of letters in that stealth message that would identify it.
Also I write and edit addons, so I kinda know what I’m talking about here.
The method of fixing this isn’t breaking addons, it’s changing the distance that stealth broadcasts to other players. This would have nothing to do with addons.
Yes, I’m aware of how it works, but they still could. I’m guessing that addons have the combat log pushed separately somehow and it’s not just parsing the actual combat log (even though the text is exactly the same), and they would be able to remove it that way. Purely speculation though, as no one has any idea what that looks like internally. Maybe it is the same message source and I’m just an idiot, always a strong possibility.
I apologize for the wording of that original message, I was annoyed about something else and it spilled into my comment.
It’s parsing the same text that your chat window pulls.
The chat window itself, the UI element, is itself pulling that same command to even display the combat text. It all comes from the same place. You can’t just break calls like that. The whole UI functions off of those calls.
There is a addon, that starts a alarm if a enemy faction sneak/member is in close vicinity, even if you can or cant see the person, its been used by streamers, and to be frank, even if i hate rogue ganking, its part of the game, and some magic addon alarming this, is “cheesy” at best
The insane amount of downloads of that addon… Yes I use this addon, it’s very nice, but it has me wondering…
Does this addon query the server for information in any way at all in any way possible?
If so this could actually explain some of the server lag in massive battles with everyone pinging the dickens out of the server for information…
For example if there were an addon that simply spammed /who constantly; that could in theory cause server load resulting in lag.
Does this addon do anything like that? If so, then that needs to be addressed.
I love the addon, but at the same time I would rather give up the addon for better server stability and LAG FREE game play.
See that’s the thing, does this addon ping the server in any way? because I suspect that some how it’s doing something that’s creating a server load in some way.
IMO this needs to be looked into by Blizzard, because no addon should be allowed to generate lag…
No, this addon literally works like any DPS Meter, or mods like Deadly Boss Mods.
It queries the wow API with “onEvent” calls. There are many ‘events’ that can be called. This is the full list of events that can be queried by any LUA code from within the game:
In order to break this mod, you would have to prevent any onEvent calls related to two API calls, " COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED" which is all combat activity around you and “COMBAT_LOG_EVENT” which is only your combat log.
If you disabled “onEvent” calls to " COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED", it would break hundreds of addons. Deadly Boss Mods, any DPS addon, addons that use anything related to combat, broken.
You can’t just target one addon to disable, it’s just running LUA code. There is no “ban this addon”. There is only calls that can run and that can’t run. The only way to ‘ban’ an addon would be to make it unable to call events from “COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED” in the API.
The census addon was able to be broken because it used a ‘send’ command, this command scripts an action to be triggered. They just made the “SendWho” command protected, which means only the default UI can trigger that action.
The reason you can’t just break Spy is because it is not ‘pushing’ any commands, it is not telling the game to ‘do’ anything. It is just receiving information from an event call that almost every frame of UI uses in the game. You can’t just ‘block’ it. You would have to make “COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED” in the API unable to be called for.
The only way to fix this is to turn down the radius that stealth appears in the “COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED” information that the combat log pulls in the first place.
They are not going to break this addon because they can’t, and they won’t.
As a Hunter I think it’s stupid too, why even have tracking on anymore when Spy is so much better? Pretty much makes my tracking useless and it rubs me wrong.
I think you misunderstood my post a little. I am not asking for them to break anything, but was curious if it was some how asking the server for information. I am not as intimate with their system API as you are; thank you for the long description as it does make sense.
My concern was was this addon potentially causing server lag in large scale combat events such as numerous raids in black rock mountain (like on my server).
And you’re right, why have tracking when this addon does it better… WAY better.
All of these addons parse the combat log looking for a trigger.
Why not spy? You dont need to dl spy to watch combat logs for players in the world, or anything else that is listed in the combat log you can create a simple weakaura to do that for you.
Spy (i dont use it, but i might install it just because) watches all combat log entries in the area, not just for rogue stealth protection - maybe people want to use it to go find players to hunt aswell.
You cannot break /target macros.
You cannot stop the combat log showing the name of some thing that did something.
You cannot stop a ui window that keeps track of said players, with range limits on them (either in range or not) and creates a button that fires the /target macro.
If you did it would break every aspect of the rest of the game and how its been played for the last 15 years.
Think of spy as a viable, always running, arena target frames addon.
Think of spy as the DBM of Classic PvP.
Think of spy as just another tool at a players disposal, and if you are a skilled rogueyou would already expect the players to know you are there and learn to adapt
maybe it is a mistake from the developers to make stealth pop up in the combat log and not doing anything to prevent things like spy.
just keep whining about it and you might get it changed
Post on your classic character. If you aren’t I’m assuming YOU are the troll and don’t even play classic WoW.
How is it no changes when hardly anybody used this? I assume you are also for LFG addon that auto adds members to a group that blizzard recently broke because this was in vanilla too? And other retail quality-of-life changes? YOU are the retail troll wanting changes.
It most definitely is a deviation from vanilla WoW. Part of the skill in playing a rogue was seeing a player out in the world and quickly stealthing in a way where they didn’t seen me enter stealth. That doesn’t work anymore. What’s worse is it announces my presence with a loud buzz, actually making it worse than just not using stealth at all.
I fail to see how raising a valid argument on a gaming forum against an addon and using said forums to discuss it is “trolling.” Look up the definition of trolling.