The spy addon is completely broken. I’m using the hell out of it and it’s hilarious. When a rogue gets close to you stealthed, it dings and says “Stealthed player nearby” and then you spam area attacks take them out of stealth. I’ll continue to use it until Blizzard breaks it. Anyone that defends It just doesn’t wanna lose the advantage it gives.
Again, you don’t have to go after the addon itself to actually kill it…but hey, you guys are CS majors, why dont you mansplain to me how computers work and how wrong I am about a coporations interests into maintaining integrity in their property. It really is that simple. If Blizzard wanted SPY to be gone, it would be gone because they have MANY avenues of attacking it, not just technologically.
Because i have experience with it. TOS means nothing to someone that uses software that goes undetected by the game.
If Blizz wanted to, they would ban all the botters, but yet theyre still here. I wonder why.
So you agree that Blizzard could take actions as I stated but has chosen not, also as I stated? Glad we are on the same page.
I’m not a CS major but It’s not hard to understand simple LUA scripts. For example:
local frame = CreateFrame("Frame") frame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY") frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, message, sender) if event == "CHAT_MSG_SAY" and sender ~= myName and message:lower():match("hello world") then SendChatMessage("hi", "SAY") end end)
This is a simple script that triggers an event based on criteria provided on the if then statement line.
What you are saying is not going to happen, period. Blizzard is not going to dramatically change the API because of one addon. The “RegisterEvent” API call is used for almost every addon.
Just because you want this one disabled or somehow made against “TOS” to be able to read text from your combat log, it isn’t going to happen. Period. End of discussion.
Yes, they could disable the whole combat log, but that would have unintended and undesirable consequences for other things in the game that also rely on it. So you fix one problem but cause much more.
…or just remove stealth from the combat log api?
Too big brain for you?
Lol this guy actually felt like he needed to explain something that had nothing to do with the points I made. Kudos to your dedication I guess.
Stealth is an ability. Idk how easy it would be for them to change the whole code structure of how abilities interact with mob scripting, players, etc.
If you make a rule for one ability, it will apply to all. So by doing so, either every other ability will not show on combat log, or stealth is coded different than the rest of the abilities and something in the game might be bugged as consequence. Its not that easy
By arguing every avenue that you can think of maybe being possible of breaking the addon, you’re basically admitting that Blizzard can take as much time as necessary to figure it out with their resources but are choosing not to. That is all I read when I see “X isn’t possible because Y”. Innovations and breakthroughs happen daily and Blizzard has resources to actually research issues into their game. Don’t give Blizzard free passes because “I don’t think it’s technically possible.”
id rather they focus on making it possible to have a lag free pvp fight when theres more than 10 people in one area. Blizzard is only a small indie company
You’re right, being a small indie company, they only have one software engineering team so they work on things one at a time.
There where many LFG defenders as well until it got nerfed, now just LFG people crying. Same can happen with this add on.
There is a lot of things that can read a combat log. You can do the same thing with spy that you can do with weakauras. You break it, you break a lot of things. This mod was around in vanilla. It’s 2019 though and people are smarter. Might as well complain about mods that tell you to dispel. Only difference is that rogues cry the most.
im that rogue that ganks you when SPY didnt’t see me
Yeah, you tried to sound smart but failed. Like the other person said, they could easily break this (for example) just by not allowing addons to receive enemy player stealth messages from the combat log. That wouldn’t “dramatically change the API” at all and would likely be pretty trivial to do.
It could easily be some variant of what I put below, likely wouldn’t require changing the whole code structure of anything. The combat log is its own thing, and you’ll have to stringify the ability somewhere, they could catch whether it’s an enemy player stealthing and just not log it in the first place.
if (isStealth(ability)) {
you all seem to forget that this is a pve game with pvp tacked on, the purpose of a rogue is not stealth ganking.
Lol the purpose of a rogue is not stealth Ganking? What?
Enter stealth before you get into combat range.
I always had my combat log open in vanilla and saw rogues/druids go into stealth then too. Only thing that’s changed is a lot more people arent falling for stealth nonsense without the stealther actually putting in some effort now.
I like how you explain this to people and they just say “blizz can break it duh”, they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about as evidenced by some in this thread.