It doesn’t, and it also doesn’t give you coordinates. Spy detects ability usage/buffs/etc on targets that are within load distance WHEN THEY USE THEM.
Any Rogue or Feral that’s crying about Spy are the type to run around OUT OF STEALTH when they’re likely to run into players of the opposite faction. You can sneak up to and stand damn near on top of someone with Spy and so long as you stealthed before you got into load distance, Spy will not set off any kind of alarm. At all.
But if you stealth inside load distance for players, it’ll detect it.
Well yes and no.
In a vague fashion, yes if you triangulate with cooperating persons
You dont really know the detected parties location, but you know your location, so if you see where your detection areas overlap, you should have a rough idea of where the detected was, at the time of detection.
Mind you, if they are moving at all, you can kind of dump that info down the garbage disposal, cause they wont be there and you have no idea what they have done post stealth.
Also depending on your and friends positions relative to each other, said area of overlap could be small, or quite large.
If the detected party kept on the move, they could probably yank your chains all night, if they sat still it might not be wise for them, though keep in mind, they can see you just fine, you just cant see them, so they can see you coming to look, they can target you, they can see what you are doing and casting, while you see zip
Right, I agree. There are multiple variables however. Depending if the stealth is trying to level, depending on his level, and depending on if he has spy installed or not as well. Not all pvp is JUST pvp, they need to advance as well. So if he is leveling then he will be going in and out of stealth regularly. If the person trying to detect the person in stealth is broadcasting they can pretty much just get to the point where the can see him killing mobs occasionally. This function would not be known if not for the broadcasting.
It could actually do that, were it to record the seconds between certain casts to check for cdr by talents. Then allowing you to see how deep they are into a specific talent tree. Or static damage from skills that don’t scale with spell power could potentially be checked for increased base damage in the talent tree? Also with that, recording the specific spells such as mind flay to differentiate shadow, or even recording the damage of the poisons to check if they’re assassination, or if they’re using hemorrhage and sub’? Or blade fury for combat. Any number of skills from the holy tree, as they have several that could be checked on pretty deep. Or check divine spirit too, for disc. It’s possible, and you’d probably be fine with that too. So note the potential in this ridiculously already powerful addon.
This part is unfortunately true, broadcasting or not.
If the rogue is just out leveling, he is eventually going to be seen by people not questing, and probably KOS’d when he is tied up with quest mobs
Yes, but that is also true minus the addon, if someone is determined to hunt down and kill rogues.
What you should really be asking is
“Since stealth is the act of becoming unseen, and since no one sounds off a horn to say they are becoming invisible, should not certain selfcast abilities, like stealth or prowl because their entire nature is to become unseen, be excluded from combat logs?”
Which means if they sit in a fight, say 1v1 with a mob in open world everyone’s Spy would have plenty of time to mark their locations. Can also work as tracking in bg’s or AV itself. Especially since everyone’s always fighting and not communicating when they’re fighting, so they usually 1v1 allot of the time. I’d suspect this could result in bunching up into massive fights more often, as both the alliance and horde would be going towards the markers. It could also use confirmations to check if the player was his by an ability from this player. And then shrink the yardage into say a 1 yard diameter, or a 60 yard diameter. Plenty enough to see them there. This would effectively make tracking available to everyone. It’s not like it’s communicating slowly. If you had marked a random person 200 yards away, and 350 yards away to your left your friend saw the same person. That means between you was that enemy. Now you both turn to kill him because he’s marked on the map. And then if it continually refreshes the marker with each and every cast, debuff on target, buff on target, or even buff dropping target? That’s literally real time refreshing, you’d literally be tracking him. Then 2v1 him.
It would be a guess at best because SpellID is specifically blocked right now, because it was during Vanilla. That’s why cast-time addons are estimates and if the Priest cancels his own cast of Greater Heal, the mod won’t notice that until they start a new cast, instead it will continue to progress what it thinks is the cast bar. Plus it can’t tell Rank 1 from Rank 3.
We can’t see that right now either. So unless a Priest casts Shadow Form, the Combat Log would be none the wiser.
Eh there’s a lot of slush in this, and it would also be a highly cluttered and busy UI. Gladius did a lot of good, but boy howdy was it noisy. It worked well though because you knew you were always against 2, 3, or 5 opponents and everything would be in particular places. Also we had access to inspect talents and such.
Spy just isn’t designed to handle that kind of ultra-granular information.
But if someone tried to make an Mega-PvP-Inspect Addon that tried to rapidly assess spec/class and kept a really efficient database for future reference… more power to them. It would be interesting to see how they work around the many limitations in place right now.
I specifically said this. You could even use Vamparic Embrace… Even hemorrhage, blade flurry, divine spirit, inner focus, spirit of redemption, improved hammer of wrath (if you were to mark the time by second casted, and then when you recorded it to be recasted), holy shock, repentance. As you can see, you could mark most classes by spec’ as well.
Which are quite common in BG’s. Therefore you’d know their spec’ as well. Some sooner than others, but quickly once combat starts. You’d just need to note several triggers per spec’ to speed the process up. That’s a bit crazy in itself.
Here’s a crazy idea, stealth and walk to the battle so you arent entering stealth within the radius the combat log picks up for the enemy you crappy rogues. /endthread