Either way, it feels way more a PvP thing than PvE.
Oh definitely, no argument there.
That was essentially my main point.
How many people in your raid were using it? The more people who use it, the better able it is to triangulate the location. If you are testing it by yourself…there won’t be any other players to share the estimates and it will just show your location
I don’t use the add-on myself because I have always considered it a cheat. When I’m in a 40 person raid with my wpvp guild, though, the other 39 people are using it and they ping the locations of the detected players and we go right to them.
Also, it autogenerates a list when you enter a zone. You can simply target someone with the list and go right to them. This is confirmed in the other thread you were participating in where the rogue was complaining enemy players walked right up to him in Iron Forge. He was complaining, but the Spy users (who were not complaining) were the ones who explained the process. It wasn’t his assumption, they described the in-game functionality and a number of people in here denying that it can auto-locate people were in that thread saying that functionality is part of the base game’s IWT and totally not a cheat. The pattern is that they will negate what you say over here and then negate what someone says elsewhere simply to negate other people’s explanations regardless of whether they are contradicting themselves over the long run.
It’s not limited to a 200 yard range. I’ve already explained that the add-on shares its information with other users of the add-on thereby extending Blizzard’s intended range of the combat log. Someone also responded this was a valid point and now, a day later, you are ignoring that entire conversation that you were a part of when it happened to make this disingenuous point.
This is a false claim. Spy autogenerates a list of all players within its range along with those in the range of other players using the add-on, including their class.
I’m not assuming anything. I am describing how the add-on works. I’ve been in, and am still in, wpvp guilds who use the add-ons. Some of my guilds required it in wpvp…because of how strong it is. I don’t personally use it, but that’s my prerogative since I was/am a high ranking officer in those guilds. In Classic, I’m the GM so I don’t have to follow my guild’s retail recommendations.
I dont think either of these is correct because you can not target a stealthed anyone, and the API has no method of turning to/following an unfriendly target or NPC in general, and again, if a thing is stealthed, there is nothing to turn towards anyways.
And the combat log contains no positional data.
You’re a gnome wartlock LOL, you’re the best 1v1 class in the game. Jeez man.
Once Spy detects the players, it creates a list of players who are targetable.
I find it interesting that you are disputing the claims of people both for and against its use, who are using it because you “don’t think” that’s how it works.
You arent targetable once stealthed though
You changed your opinion from you don’t think that’s what happens to stating it can’t as fact.
In contrast, we have people defending that function in the another thread because they say it’s part of the base-game in the form of IWT function.
If I was the one complaining about it, one could suspect my motivations for lying since I’m opposed to the add-on. In this example, however, the issue was brought up by people defending the add-on so that motive is absent.
I guess this comes down to whether I should believe your opinion or my lying eyes.
And you’re not reading clearly in the slightest: each user is restricted to 200 yards on their detection. If you and I both have Spy and we detect someone at the same time, all that means is that person is somewhere within 200 yards of the both of us. Make the synchronous ping from 3+ and you can narrow location somewhat, but you still have 200 yards of range per Spy user to work within.
You don’t understand how the network of Spy users actually work if you think you sending me info of something only you can see actually helps triangulate anything. If only you ping, all I know is that that person is somewhere within 200 yards of you, and nothing else. That’s entirely useless information to anyone looking for someone in your ~125,664 square-yard range.
Oh boy. I can have a list of five different Priests with zero indication of which ones are Shadow or not until I have eyes on them or can see their casts specifically, which Spy doesn’t filter for me.
What good is a randomly generated list of names of enemy players going to do me when I need to focus fire Healers and high priority DPS and avoid Tanks? The list is nothing like what Gladius did for us in Arena.
Given your present and past posts: no.
You rely upon generalized descriptions and posters who have spread false statements about the addon’s function rather than API calls and LUA code, then want to argue how the API calls work.
Show your work and point out the LUA that does any of the things you’re saying it does.
You cannot target someone who cannot be targeted due to auras like Stealth/Prowl/etc. If you could, you could just make a macro that targets-last-target when a Rogue pops Vanish and you’d be able to hit him again and pull him out of Stealth.
You’re misunderstanding how Click-to-Move actually works in conjunction with Interact-With-Target. You’d need something to mouse over or actually target.
If you are preoccupied with something else like a quest, browsing the forums, whatever you could easily get ganked because you aren’t paying close attention to the combat log.
Its hard to get the drop on someone when the addon does what is equivalent to a home security system. Alerts you when you weren’t necessarily paying attention.
Except in this case, the “security system” monitors whether someone you don’t like does something/anything within 2 blocks of your home, and goes off when the guy 5 houses down the street pisses in his own backyard.
You are totally missing what he is saying bud. Stop the sarcasm and take a moment.
The reason SPY is broken is because it does something for players THAT THEY WOULDN’T HAVE DONE THEMSELVES, prior to having the addon.
Why? Because, as he stated, nobody reads their combat logs 24/7, making it available for the rogue to get all sneaky and stealth.
This addon is a crutch since you still don’t have to read your combat log, as that’s what this addon does for you, and you are alerted, where you otherwise would not have been alerted, had this addon not been invented.
Because… people didn’t and don’t scan their combat logs 24/7 in preparation for a potential rogue in the vicinity.
I can see where our conversation went sideways. Sorry for not clarifying in my first response to you; a few members in this discussion have a tendency to throw as much disinformation into the thread in order to bury the point beneath an avalanche of words.
My concerns about Spy are much broader than stealth detection. In fact, earlier I pointed out that alerts about stealth being in the combat log means that it’s not a strong argument to remove it from this add-on.
I brought up the fact that no one had demonstrated that the range of that detection is currently set at what it was during vanilla. Regardless, the add-on communicates to other users beyond Blizzard’s intended range.
The ability of an add-on to autogenerate a list of people in a zone and for players to target and then auto walk to them is a different concern. I should have not written that concern as, “Once Spy detects the players” because that implies all forms of detection (including a rogue going into stealth) when I was referring to the auto generated list of the enemies within range (and shared ranges).
If this is your grounds for attacking the addon, then a majority of addons are, by your definition, ‘broken’
It is trivially easy to argue that most players would not manually print out maps and mark/pin every location they’ve found herbs to as to never forget a spawn, therefore Gatherer is broken.
It is trivially easy to argue that most players would not manually count in their head or use stop watches regularly to track player or NPC CDs, therefore DBM, BigWigs, and dozens of other addons are broken.
It is trivially easy to argue that most players would not manually record AH sale prices, quantities, and items and then take the time to develop moving averages and other computations in order to anticipate ideal buy/sell periods on the AH, therefore Auctioneer, TSM, and a host of trade addons are broken.
This is why most of the anti-Spy sentiment just comes off as anti-addon sentiment. Some posters are 100% owning up to that, but others merely flirt with the idea by ignoring the consequence of their suggestions. Y’all silly.
In Vanilla, the Combat Log’s range could be configured, with 200 yards as the cap, either manually or through the addon. This was one of the performance issue problems with early Recount and syncing the data: if you ramped this value up too high and any other sub-optimal addons were tracking the log, you’d bog your computer down like crazy. If you didn’t extend this enough, PvE encounters like C’Thun would be a nightmare because you’d outrange folks and meters wouldn’t be accurate.
Now, as for this gem of a statement, no. The entire reason addon communication was given its own unique channel and API in Vanilla (Patch 1.12) was to overcome the problems associated with just jacking the Combat Log range out to maximum on hardware and networks 15yrs ago. Extending the range of information by having addons talk with one another and sync was not only available in Vanilla, but explicitly provided for by Blizzard.
Add-ons can send hidden chat messages to players in the party, raid or guild, using SendAddonMessage("prefix", "message", "PARTY"|"RAID"|"GUILD"|"BATTLEGROUND"). When players receive these messages, a new event "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" is sent, with arg1-arg3 being the parameters to SendAddonMessage(), and arg4 being the name of the player that sent it. The combined length of "prefix" and "message" must be less than or equal to 254 bytes.
reading this thread people keep saying “Spy Just reads your combat log!!one111”
I wasn’t aware combat logs could show you where someone did an ability at, and gave you coordinates ontop of that. LMAO.
They don’t, you would have to triangluate
FRIEND1: i detected bob stealth, i am at X,Y
poke pin in map at X,Y Draw XXm circle around pin
FRIEND2: i detected bob stealth, i am at X1,Y1
poke pin in map at X1,Y1 Draw XXm circle around pin
FRIEND3: i detected bob stealth, i am at X2,Y2
poke pin in map at X2,Y2 Draw XXm circle around pin
Now look at where the circles overlap
Providing Bob has chosen to sit still and not move, Bob should, in theory, be someplace in the overlap.
Where exactly is another story.
Mind you if Bob moves, you could set fire to the overlap and never touch Bob or see him again.
But its possible right! Yes, its possible.