new thread on this
That’s just some angry troll bait, plus that contradicts what some of the posters here have adamantly stated they are against: wholesale resistance to addons.
Great, another one I might have to watch.
I agree that it was a big change, but it is no longer applicable as it has been removed.
I think you’re rather overstating the lasting impact of layering. The biggest impact was layering had on the game was diminished interactions between players, and that is totally fixed by simply removing layering.
All the effects it had on the economy were limited rather early on into Classic by changes made to it by Blizzard, and will easily be resolved over time.
Mind you, I don’t think layering is a good thing, but now that it’s gone, the game will be fine. Layering did not do any lasting harm to Classic.
I never once claimed that changes didn’t happen.
I said that existing changes are not further justification for more changes, and that the existing changes are a bad thing.
I’m not wrong, though.
How? I actually think they’ve done a fairly good job so far myself.
Yeah, 2 months before Burning Crusade where no one knew of it, or downloaded it.
- Frost Mage hard counters Rogue or Warrior or Paladin. Even fire mages have an overwhelming advantage over these classes due to poly setup.
- Shamans and Hunters and Druids hard counter Mages. Locks hard counter a mage if they have felhunter out.
- Priest is a toss up. Fire mage does better versus priest than Frost due to offensive and defensive dispels.
It is not about resistance to addons. It is about
stealth showing up in the Spy addon and how broken that is.
The entire point of Classic is to be a recreation of vanilla.
Changes are antithetical to that purpose.
May 27th 2005 is not 2 months before Burning Crusade.
As for the number of downloads, the prevalence of the add-on does not change the fact it existed in vanilla, which is what proof of was asked for.
CombatSentryGizmo wasn’t released until Nov. 1st 2006 according to the addons own logs. There’s a difference between when something’s made, and when it’s released. Every version of that is from 2006.
Let me add, that no one even downloaded it in 2006, so it went unused. So even when it was released at the back of BC no one had this in game at the time.
And yet you’re okay with the existence of an addon that didn’t exist because it gives you an in game advantage. Like I told you I counted 13 changes made so far, that were not made in the original version of the game.
It was released in May of 2005. The updates were in November of 2006.
CurseForge doesn’t have any way of knowing when the add-on was written versus when it was uploaded to the site. Why would they put May of 2005 as the created date if it wasn’t actually uploaded to their platform until 2006?
The created date is when it was uploaded to their site and made public.
For example, this website says the add-on was created in 2017. Do you think that’s when the add-on was written, or when it was uploaded to the site?:
This one says 2015:
Well, “no one” meaning 400 people downloaded it from CurseForge specifically, and that doesn’t include various other websites that hosted it back during vanilla.
But alright, I think it’s fair to say it was far less prevalent in vanilla. So what? It still existed in vanilla.
Until you deal with the reality that an add-on exactly like Spy did exist in vanilla, I don’t think there’s much point arguing with you.
I don’t normally log into my account and comment on things but I do think Blizzard needs to address this Spy addon issue.
Blizzard you have to disable Spy for PvP to be more fair for everyone. A few weeks ago when my buddy was in STV he tried out spy and it made it wayyyyy to easy to track down guys in close proximity to us. I did not have it and I had no idea guys were around us.
This is cheating and this addon needs to be disabled by Blizzard especially for phase 2 and beyond. This is almost as bad as using a wall hack in a FPS game.
Blizzard please disable this addon so phase 2 can be more enjoyable for all.
Everyone can use it. It is fair for everyone.
Choosing not to use it doesn’t make it unfair. In any case, the advantages of this add-on are greatly overstated. Okay, so you know a Rogue stealthed within 200 yards of you. Great. They still have stealth. They still get the opener. It doesn’t reveal the Rogue. It doesn’t tell you where or when to AoE.
Haha, not even close to the same thing. We can already see and target people through walls in WoW to begin with. The combat log already tracks players stealthing.
That isn’t because of this add-on, it’s because of the default UI.
Because that would be when it’s uploaded.
They noted their release dates on every version.
No information, and less than 50 downloads on it.
Yeah, a guild or two tried it in a playerbase of millions, several times larger than we’ve got atm. It was also nowhere near as advanced as it is right now. Nor did they have the same functionality we’ve got now.
Maybe so, but one could argue that exploits are in game and can bannable. Didn’t even download another program, but doing something that gives you an advantage over another player can result in loss of the account. Actually, even wall jumping and getting on a building to avoid guards to kill a player can get you banned.
It’s class and immersion breaking in my opinion, and by the shear number of players complaining about it only a short time in shows it’s an issue. I mean hell, we’ve got multiple threads on the topic on the forums, where only a small percentage of the playerbase goes.
Yeah, and again, this didn’t happen back in the day.
Again, not to this extent, and not used by any players. A guy made that addon, shared with his friends, and their guilds tried it as it seems. Died after that until they created another addon later in time based off of this addon.
Also, stop linking sites to private server versions and downloads. We aren’t interested in their versions.
Exactly like Spy? Far from it… The addon did not have near the functionality we’ve got in Spy right now.
KoS list alone is worth the download.
Now that’s a function I enjoy personally. I used to keep note of names in macros, made it easier rather than typing it all out every time.
game breaking add on, and needs to be broken.
Whats the op supposed to do? Sneak in to a country from another so he doesn’t show up on the combat log?
The addon is bad, but I guess people have been watching the combat log since vanilla. But I think maybe the point is most people don’t do that, and wont do that. The addon automates that. That’s the problem.
just dont stealth bro
Yeah, I should probably stop healing too since it’s the main part of my class in that case.
Also, stop dotting people.
That’s a PEBKAC issue. Plenty of people gear, spec, play, and customize their UIs in very suboptimal manners. The default UI is pretty lacking, and the default raid frames are massive and a complete eyesore, yet a lot of folks play with them, causing them to not notice things happening in raid due to limited field of vision.
Same with folks who are zoomed in too close to their characters.
Same with folks who ignore boss mods and then never try to keep track of enemy casts or their own debuffs.
Same with… etc, etc.
An addon should not be broken because people are presumed to be at a certain low level of skill/awareness. That’s silly.