Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

No, they weren’t. I linked directly to a GitHub of a developer who eventually worked those calls out. His notes explicitly point out the functionality was not there…hence his add-on.

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So how do we bring and convince blizzard? I want it broken.

There are still people defending this addon. Meanwhile I’m using it to terrorize no shoes horde in Stonetalon. Hiding in a building? No problem. Stealthed? No problem.

It’s a pain to get any good change into WoW, look how long it took them to realize the playerbase wanted classic. All those private servers, years or begging, and hundreds of thousands of people. Best we can do is hope they read this thread, and consider implementing it when they realize the only players that want it are those like Fasciae who can’t kill rogues.

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A good Rogue times the sap in between the aoe casts. Get gud.

So you’re mad you were proven wrong, and then proceed to dissemble about the author’s intent and not the “context of the game.” Well done!

Pretty sure Shift found it and both of us understand what it is we found, but this is nice crystal ball gazing on your part.

I do love the insistence that I never played, your mind reading powers are really off the charts tonight. Mind you, you haven’t actually shown what API call this addon uses, how it has changed through the ages if at all, and how any of that is relevant. This is just a lot of words to say “Nu uh!!”

There are screen shots of the addon working in game, on the linked page. Are you deliberately playing the role of trolling fool?


What does this API function have to do with the API functions used in Gizmo, Paranoia, or Spy? That API function A changed has no bearing on API function B. But well done on the detective work! Top notch proving that a function no one is discussing changed!

The gist eh? Just going to link an unrelated API call and hand wave the actual proof? HAHA

  • Alpha/Beta/Release of user created addons means jack-all, take a gander at Gladius being in “Beta” for all of Patch 3.0.x and still being used
  • Popularity has nothing to do with existence, which is entirely my point
  • “Internet research” is just you hand waving again

C’mon man, you’ve trolled much better than this before. I’m actually disappointed.

At this point it’s going to be extremely tough. Assuming they care enough about addressing the concern, you’d have to go through the code of those early add-ons and document the changes they were making in response to the API changes in order to document how the add-ons eventually ended up where they are now with much of the functionality automated.

There is precedent to them reversing automated functionality that wasn’t possible in the early API (and the converse, reversing automated API calls that they don’t want in Classic, such as, Decursive). But you’re going to be swimming upstream and you’ll need to review the code to show it objectively.

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That link claims it didn’t release until Nov. 1st 2006, and only 411 people downloaded it. What’re you trying to prove by posting that?

So you agree the functionality existed in vanilla.

Brewbeard, in his zeal to contradict me for the sake of contradiction said this:

He’s acting as if the addon never functioned in Vanilla, without evidence I might add, and in the face of contradictory evidence too. It is just too funny at this point.

Again, the number of downloads is not, nor ever was my point. The functionality existed in Vanilla.

Apparently he does.

It’s possible, 2 months before Burning Crusade released, nowhere near the point we’re at in our game. And at that date, like I said, only 0.008% of players right before BC had downloaded it, were it even a fully functioning addon. 400 people out of 4.5m, don’t see how you’d justify that. You’re using that addon that was created at the end of Vanilla as a reference for why this is allowed.

The functionality didn’t work, which is why the add-on was never released beyond Chester’s guild.

He actually makes two points in his “WARNINGS” about why it wouldn’t work and that’s ignoring the API changes that happened.

To be clear, while the add-on could generate a list that was never the point of contention. The issue was whether the functionality existed for a list of people who were going into stealth around a player to be auto-generated, which the screenshots don’t demonstrate.

You do realize you can download the addon and look at the API calls yourself and check which of them are being used and whether or not those continued to be available right?

The fun thing in browsing the LUA is that this looks like the kind of code I would write as a capstone project in some 300 level coding course. He calls each and every individual event he specifically wants to register unlike Spy’s author which registers ANY unfiltered combat log event and then it funnels that info later in the LUA.

It is kinda adorable.

Still not agreeing with you, even if it were a thing (which I’m not sure it was as Brew’s pretty convincing rn), it was still at the VERY end of vanilla. Right into BC, and basically no one touched that addon at all, even in BC according to your own link. I’m not about to argue the technical stuff because I don’t claim to be an expert in such matters. I can only argue the stat’s, and those don’t add up for you.

This is your goto response and one of the primary reasons I conclude you weren’t playing contemporary when these issues we often discuss were at issue.

Instead of cross-referencing the information I linked, along with well-published knowledge, that the API has changed over the years, you assume this add-on dev didn’t know how to write his lua code.

There are documented reasons why he would have written it that way but you revert to everyone other than you simply not knowing what they were doing.

Yes, it was.

You would not call it an add on per se, so in a way i guess you could say you are correct, but the ability to parse things out of the logs existed before someone made an add on.
It just required the use of some geeky tools you would not normally associate with gaming.

If you knew a little perl, and had a linux box, you could have someone send the whole thing out over IRC, in simplest form, or do more complicated stuff and parse out specific things to send.

Not really addons, and a bit on the geeky side, but it was done for a while until ingame addons made it a lot more convenient

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You and I were originally discussing whether the API calls existed and I was pointing out they did not.

While you’re not wrong in your explanation of how a player could automate scraping certain information from a combat log without an add-on, the issue is whether all of the events showed up in the combat log to be parsed.

You also have to compare what you are describing to an automagically generated list, which is the primary concern in this discussion.

This is more in line with the ClassicLFG concern, which Blizzard did ultimately break any form of automation as being against the “spirit” of vanilla.

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Brew had to rely upon a different author’s discussion of a different addon relying upon a different API call. /giggle

I wouldn’t trust him in the slightest.

Funny because I’m not arguing the stats at all, just the existence and functionality. /shrug

The specific call the Spy author uses is this:
Spy:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED", "CombatLogEvent")

Whereas the Gizmo author uses these:


And that’s not all of it, it goes on for dozens more of these. The Gizmo author also does not have any UnregisterEvent command either, meaning it would eventually eat up a ton of memory by never purging anything after lengthy play.

None of which are provided, nor have you presented them. Seriously, people are allowed to make mistakes that I, and others, can spot. There’s a reason folks bounced between BigWigs and DBM, and for a long period of time BigWigs simply ate up far far far less memory than DBM.

Like I said, this is very subpar trolling for you tonight. You feeling well? Cold front knock you in the dirt?

Well its existence didn’t occur until BC was about to be released, so…

Using basic chat parsing that remained unchanged throughout Vanilla.

The big change that occurred in Patch 2.4 was that you could run multiple filters instead of just getting the standard everything stream. You can see the host of commands on the Wiki and when the big changes occurred for these calls, and even the results that were specifically altered for things like Spell ID for Classic (since you couldn’t get that in Vanilla).

The funny thing is, the Gizmo author could have structured his addon almost identically to the Spy author because the goal was to notice when someone was near you, but rather than just get the full unfiltered stream, he opted for dozens of individual specific chat calls like:


He essentially attempted to recreate the unfiltered stream already available.

That’s why I find it kinda cute, he was so fixated on being sure to catch EVERY detail so that no one could slip his fancy radar, that he over-engineered the problem and clogged up his own code. The biggest issue is the lack of Unregister though, that’s a big problem.