Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

I am glad these threads are gaining traction and getting bumped. Blizzard starts watching threads that have many responses. Hopefully this add on gets the banhammer.

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IMO it should because it’s doing some things that are not default to the UI that they specifically left out to avoid this sort of thing.

Namely the ability to have enemy player arena frames in the default UI. If they wanted me to have focus frames then they would have provided that for us in the default UI.

Because of the fact that this kind of addon provides so much to me I am an idiot not to install it. By failing to use such an addon I would be cripping my self in PVP. Only an idiot at this point would not use Spy.

That’s how crazy powerful it really is, and the people who don’t comprehend that are kinda stupid.

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there were addons before that did the same thing… what are you talking about… there were addons that said what players were casting and everything…

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People keep saying that it was around in vanilla, but was it actually? anyone have proof? I don’t remember ever hearing about it or seeing it until like legion tbh…

Anyway it prevents being able to sneak up on people, it shows when a rogue or druid goes into stealth near your area + shows coords of where. In groups that are spread out it is OP and broken.
It also prevents the element of surprise for example in BRM when you have 30-40+ people waiting inside around a corner to wipe a raid group… spy would just show up and they can prepare or stop before going in.

There were addons that did the same thing but I do not recall it providing coords to stealthed players. You want proof from something over a decade ago? Probably not going to happen.

It doesn’t provide coordinates to the player, simply tells you the coord’s of where you were when you scanned them. However, I have stated many times how ridiculously strong this addon is and my reasoning behind why it shouldn’t be a thing with stealthed units.

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Everyone can read the Combat Log, regardless of class or even level.

It doesn’t, unless Hunter Tracking is worse than a ping within 200 yards without regard to direction and movement.

Well then it is a good thing Spy doesn’t provide class features!

Yeah you get that knowledge by pinging your own location, which is the coordinates that get broadcast by Spy. There is no way to pinpoint the detected enemy’s coordinates as you lack distance and direction information.

VISUAL: CombatSentryGizmo keeps a visual, clickable list of current and potential attackers, buffers and healers.

-Auto Targeting Info Toggles CombatSentryGizmo's auto info gathering for attackers. WARNING: When on, CombatSentryGizmo will gather info from your attacker by targeting it 'under-the-hood'. When off, CombatSentryGizmo will never try to gather info from your attacker. However, if you manually select them or mouse-over them, their info will fill in.

Do you ever get tired of lying?

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The earliest version of such an addon has already been posted, and it was in Vanilla. By the end of TBC, Paranoia was in full swing using the exact same API calls, and from there to present day we got Spy (along with a ton of others using the same calls).

This addon is game breaking and blizzard should consider doing something about it


Yeah, used by 0.003% of the playerbase. So many people were running around with it.

I couldn’t care less about the popularity. It existed in Vanilla, and grew in functionality and popularity over the last 15yrs.

I get tired of watching you scrape the internet for information years after the fact without understanding the context of the game. You’re linking to a beta add-on that was abandoned. The features didn’t work correctly and part of that is because of the limits of then current computer technology, poor internet connectivity, and API changes. The author warns about the the first two factors in all caps, which seems to be something you either didn’t read or are glossing over in your drive to “prove” a point in this discussion regardless of how far you’re wiling to stretch your examples.

The problem, and I’ve pointed this out to you before, is that you can’t simply go by whatever you think you find on the internet. You were not playing during the time that is relevant and so you apparently don’t know that the API has changed dramatically from vanilla to TBC to Wrath and then eventually to Classic. The add-ons we use today are not using the add-on API that was available in during vanilla.

Simply reading beta add-on notes about a planned feature doesn’t mean it was reality in the game or that it worked the way that an add-on that bears superficial resemblance works currently.

Since you only appear to care what one finds on the internet rather than those of us explaining to that the add-ons didn’t exist and weren’t used during vanilla, here is a link to an development site that explains one of the problems with your retrospective reinterpretation of events:

> This addOn automatically scans for any targetable units of your choice by name and alerts you upon finding one. Instead of the modern scanning methods which don’t work for Vanilla it uses the API function TargetByName which was removed with TBC.

(emphasis mine)

There is, of course, much more to the story of how we got where we are now with Spy and other similar add-ons, but the gist of the history of this is that they were not capable of what Spy is capable of doing now.

Even a casual observation of what you linked to should clarified for you that it wasn’t going to be a good example to build your argument on: the add-on itself never made it past beta stage (highest version being .76b), few people downloaded it (less than 350), and internet research will demonstrate to you players pointing out that the list feature simply doesn’t work.

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Wait, so this is a cosmetics thing now? I am confused…

This is false. The API changed between vanilla and TBC and multiple times thereafter. You’d know this if you were actually playing during that time or if you bothered spending even half the time researching the stuff you google instead of blindly copying it all over the forums as historical fact.

Maybe he is born with it…

That’s a very common misspelling, we’re here to discuss the topic at hand. Not correct grammar and spelling.

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It was not used by vanilla players. It was an internal build that was under development. The final beta version before being abandoned was tested by a grand total of 347 people.


That irrelevant the functionality to parse the combat log and detect stealth actions was there in vanilla.

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I mean, there’s that. lol

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