Excellent strawman. Clearly I meant changes to Classic, buddy.
If they release BC/WotLK again, I’ll be happy to play them… but I would also want them to be unchanged.
I never said that, though.
Please learn to read.
Excellent strawman. Clearly I meant changes to Classic, buddy.
If they release BC/WotLK again, I’ll be happy to play them… but I would also want them to be unchanged.
I never said that, though.
Please learn to read.
Not fully, you can’t tell exact location. But it does provide you with instant information of who is around you, what class they are, their level, and allows you to target them without ever even looking at them. Then on the stealth side, also tells you with a loud sound effect and notification in the middle of your screen that they’ve activated stealth. That’s why it’s a negative thing in my opinion.
You said changes are bad in general, without changes this game never would have reached those amazing peaks that it did. Changes aren’t bad, you just want this to remain the same so you’ve got the advantage over another class in my opinion.
You literally did. Scroll up. You absolute liar.
I think, given the context of the conversation, it was fairly obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, that “to Classic” was implied when I said “no changes.”
But sure, you keep grasping at straws.
I didn’t. Learn to read.
I know, I use the addon. Its factually superior to track hidden.
The only thing track hidden does for me now is to make spy more powerful vs druids and rogues because of the +30 stealth detection.
Now im flying 100% auto pilot because of an addon.
Thats the reality of it.
That’s your quote. Want to lie again?
CombatSentryGizmo didn’t even work like that. Players had to hover over enemies to get any information about them–it didn’t create a list.
These players are scraping the internet after the fact and don’t fully understand the examples they’re linking to our how they were (or weren’t, in this example) implemented in the game.
Way to disingenuously not quite the entire statement. Here’s the rest of it for you, troll:
Bro you’ve been proven a liar. Just go home.
You wanted to invalidate the example because you didn’t think it should be included because it’s now removed. I told you that’s not how it should work because it’s a change that has affected the game up until today.
So drop your elitist attitude and learn some reading comprehension.
I use this addon. Problem is they get your coords. Combat log doesn’t provide a damn thing.
No you don’t
Getting the coords is enough that it should be banned. That’s knowledge you can’t get from the log.
I agree, but I do like the stat keeping as mentioned before.
Exactly. That and it defeats the whole purpose of STEALTH!
No, your reading comprehension is just terrible.
Here’s the entire quote chain, for context:
As you can clearly tell – or I hope you can clearly tell – I was making the argument that there should be no changes, and his argument in response was that there should be changes, and those changes are justified by existing changes. The example he used is something that NO LONGER EXISTS.
So, as I summarized:
Now stop trolling.
All the add on is doing is recording the current location of the player when something is picked up in the combat log. As such the coordinate part is separate from the combat log parsing part.
It no longer exists as of TODAY - pretending like it wasn’t a major change to the game that has a lot of long-term effects (layer abuse for farming for instance) to the wow economy is a shallow analysis.
I still stand by my stance that its stupid to entirely ignore it and act like it shouldn’t be brought up an example.
Maybe you should learning critical thinking and understand some things have lasting effects even after they are removed.
Tell me where I said that it wasn’t a major change.
I said it no longer is, which is objectively true.
I still stand by layers being a major game change, as it was and it still effects the game today as Marinol just said. You’re over here acting like changes didn’t happen, I named off 12 other changes besides that one. Just accept when you’re wrong, you dig the hole even deeper.