Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

Let’s back on track here.

Fasciae, you were asked to provide evidence of this add-on existing during vanilla.

So far you linked to a TBC version, a Wrath version, and a private server version that was developed long after vanilla on a wrath client.

Do you want to provide any evidence of your assertion that this add-on existed during vanilla?

I wasn’t.

See previous post.

You’re back to my entire gametime over 12 year span on my pally, he wasn’t around in vanilla as I made him at the start of BC. That has nothing to do with the conversation at hand, it was simply to state how uncommon this actually was until recently.
Cherry picking at its finest.

You have been asked. If you want to dance around the question, consider yourself asked now.

Are you conceding that it didn’t exist in vanilla?

That is not how arguments work bro, I called you out and asked you to provide some backing to your statement, you don’t turn the question right back around on someone.

Do you know how arguments/debates work? It seems ABUNDANTLY apparent you do not.

Its pretty clear this isn’t in the spirit of the game because it eliminates the “unknowing” aspect of World PvP. The whole point is not knowing how to strategize against the enemy because you will not know what they are bringing. You can think of a real life battle situation. I cannot possibly understand how anyone would think this is true PvP.


I always assumed people were telling the truth when they kept parroting “it existed in vanilla, it existed in vanilla” but now I am very doubtful that it even did exist in vanilla. And if it did whether it alerted you to a stealthing player next to you with a loud buzzer.

Which makes for a terrible argument. You only dislike it because it hit some arbitrary threshold of popularity that you personally dislike.

Spy didn’t exist, but Carbonite and some weirdly named widget addon did. Somebody else posted it in this thread. Combat Log parsing has existed since Alpha, along with cosmetic UI updates. Removing the gryphons (I think that’s even the name of the addon) is about as ancient as it gets.

I’m saying you have no objective standard for “Spirit of the Game” as the very name itself implies an intangible and nebulous concept. Onus is on you to prove otherwise.

Burdens of proof are formalities based upon the arena of debate/discussion. If you want to actually have a true philosophical debate, you need to be able to state my position clearly to my satisfaction, I need to do the same for you, and THEN we proceed.

See, but no. Just no.

I have stated my position VERY clearly, yet you seem incapable of reading very well it seems?

I have also established how it is against the idea of true PvP in general (see above) and by extension the “spirit of the game”.

You’ve got nothing to stand on and after all this time just look like an idiot. Stop trolling and leave this debate before you look even more inept.

Considering it was the era of ‘World of Roguecraft’…and it already showed in the logs and made a very distinct sound by default with no additional action required… No - I don’t think Blizzard would change anything about it at that time either.

Before addons like “Spy” - if you didn’t have your combat log out to assist in observing your surroundings on a PVP server… then you weren’t even “trying” to tryhard.

Example 1:

The first that comes to mind - not worth looking up more for you - check it yourself. The only point being is that this has been here since the combat log’s debut - so it’s always been there for people that want this information. and information is a double edged sword, it can be a huge boon to a rogue that an enemy knows he’s there. It’s why abilities like distract exist.

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So we need to tell you what your position is? Pretty sure he said his, and said yours too; though that wasn’t needed as you only want this around because you get ganked and QQ.

It did not exist in vanilla.

Luckily this isn’t up to people’s bold claims and faulty memories: the repositories still exist with the earliest versions. People making that claim misread the add-on version (1.0x) as the game client version (2.4).

The links are in this thread for anyone to fact check what I’m pointing out.

Why does wPvP need to have an “unknowing” aspect? What constitutes “unknowing”? If I know my opponent is there and he knows I’m there, is it no longer wPvP? Is open dueling in a giant field against the “Spirit of the Game”?

This is why you need to DEFINE your terms, not just argue as if we have agreement on what “Spirit of the Game” even means.

run parser
give key phrase “Rogue X gains Stealth.”
set audio prompt, point at wav file of your choosing
Listen to WoW annoyingly yell about stealthing people till you get sick of the wav file

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I can tell you’re one of those arguers who knows what’s being said but you choose a few words to go off on a tangent. Perhaps the most annoying arguer that exists.

It is unknowing in the sense that you should not know, through the use of an addon, that 10 members of the enemy faction and exactly what those 10 members consist of. This allows you to create a strategy specific to how you would handle those exact people. This is information you SHOULD NOT know. It should be a “surprise” of sorts.

It is a surprise because this whole game is to emulate a war between two factions. In any “real” situation you would not have the opportunity to have the information this addon provides you with.

I’ve explained the “spirit of the game” a few times now and frankly if you aren’t intelligent enough to follow along just see yourself out (which you really should do anyway - literally everyone right now is against you). If you don’t get it at this point you clearly aren’t.

Have a nice life, troll.

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It did. Just not as “Spy”

See above.

The word “should” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.

WHY should such a thing not be allowed.

Many years have passed since I was a 12A but I can assure you, scouting tactics and tech are a thing, as well as laying traps based upon exactly that.

Folks, far smarter than anyone in this thread by a wide margin, are still writing about and pondering the meaning of the simple phrase:

Spirit of the law

I find the creative use of addons to be entirely within the “Spirit of the Game” as addon usage and emergent gameplay has existed and been actively encouraged by Blizzard since Alpha. I’m also fine with Blizzard gutting things when they choose, for the reasons they choose, as arbitrary as those reasons may or may not be for the sole reason that this is their baby, not ours.

This is why you define your terms.

I can see the importance of reading somebody buffing themselves even without Spy. If it’s all just in the Combat Log. If you’re trying to do a Raid or something, I think it be easier to read that you, in fact, buffed yourself, as opposed to trying to target you to ensure you are buffing yourself.

Perhaps to know to trade with that Tauren, if you’re Horde, to get some delicious Food, for your adventures :black_heart:

Or, in the group, knowing which person in your Group is Cooking, for you, to trade for Food Buffs :woman_shrugging:

Like in a Dungeon run, it would be helpful to read your Healer drinking Water or something. It’s a great indicator to not continue pulling more Mobs.

See, and I don’t even use the Combat Log, but I can see why those things would be in the Combat Log, even if they’re just Passive Abilities.

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Wow, 410 downloads. With one update 6 months later, and none following. That must have been the majority of our 11m+ playerbase on that if my math is right.

Never said it was popular, simply proved it existed using Vanilla era API access. This grew into what we have today as Spy. You keep mixing up whether someone I’m responding to said it was popular vs it existed.

Should stop that.

Your entire argument is that it existed and people used it in vanilla, no one used that addon. I told you 100+ times that no one did this in vanilla, you’ve been arguing for hours, man. No one reads their combat logs 24/7, this is recent. As I’ve stated SOOOOO MANY TIMES. CAN YOU PLEASE START READING AND ACTUALLY GIVING ONE DECENT REPLY.

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