Everytime I hear the stealth noise a trap instantly goes down lol…I have to agree with you on this one. But I don’t really care because I don’t have a stealth class
I don’t know, I wish blizzard would address this. But it states that it does right in its about on the add on page.
“Spy can be configured to announce enemy player encounters and share data with other Spy users in your party, raid or guild.”
Its at the bottom of the first paragraph here:
Because Blizzard gave us access by deliberately creating an addon specific chat channel to communicate with that doesn’t clutter our Chat Logs. This is how damage meters, raid addons, BG coordination, future Arena addons, etc, all work.
Also if you don’t like this, I suppose you should start with banning zone defense channels and the ability for people to say “Shaman near X!” Y’all being silly now.
Here is the page with the screenshots. Pretty interesting.
It’s funny how people hated the LFG addons but this seems to be totally ok in the eyes of many… I just don’t get it. Don’t feel like addons like this should be allowed under any circumstance - maybe just immerse yourself in gameplay instead of using an addon to tell you who is around you.
It’s because people hate rogues and there is a discrimination against them. Something that doesn’t affect or hurt their class much isn’t as big a deal as something that affects their actual gameplay negatively like classic LFG.
Yea I get the hate for rogues - its always been there. But I think this addon takes away from PvP in general. Not knowing the battle you are about to be in makes it all seem more real. Think of it in terms of a real battle - there is absolutely no chance you will know exactly where and who is in the “battlefield” with that level of accuracy.
It’s just dumb and idk why anyone would support such an addon.
It goes beyond rogues… Someone in my guild had it active when we were holding BRM. We knew exactly how many horde were outside the gates. They couldn’t beat us because we knew how many they had and could make decisions based on that.
I use this just because a lot of other people do. Wish this addon would get banned tho. Not the end of the world tho.
Or how about situations where you are inside an enemy city raiding and are hiding in a building buffing each other up and people see through the walls lol. Totally ruins it.
With Spy addon the Greeks would have seen the Trojans stacked on each other inside the Trojan Horse lol. Completely ruins the concept of war and surprise.
Yesterday I was getting mail out of the box in UC, I see two rogues pop up on Spy and everyone around begins spamming and looking for them. 20 min later the city starts getting raided and they all died in the tunnel, this is on Bigglesworth.
No one knew a thing, but because of this addon the entire raid was stopped. Find other people on Bigglesworth that were on to correspond the story, it was a full blown raid ruined by one addon.
Funny, because lowbies can do the exact same thing without the use of an addon. A group of Horde attempted to raid SW and several of them got plowed at the entrance because they circled around my lvl10 Priest and proceeded to /moo at me for 5min while I typed in World chat.
I think they came back later though and killed Bolvar. Fairbanks isn’t exactly Alliance dominated
Crazy how an entire experience - raiding a city in WoW - can be completely ruined by one addon.
Problem with that was there were no warnings in our trade or local defense until everyone’s Spy addon started alerting them, then people started logging to mains to search for the two level 60’s. Next thing we know as they’re searching for the rogues everyone’s spamming there’s a raid coming using the report function through the Spy addon and everyone was already there so they hit a wall.
Yup, a lowbie can def’ do that, makes sense.
Same here…I’m downloading it, but it should be eradicated.
Crazy how a level 1 bank alt with the addon would be able to see a level 60 rogue lol. Ridiculous.
You were right actually, detecting their stealth through the walls and auto reporting it to other Spy users. Yeah, a level 1 can do this with the addon.
Yeah. By talking to people.
Seriously, this is the complaint now? City raids foiled because all it takes is on person to spoil the surprise? There’s a reason most raids are done at odd hours and have to be blistering pace… haha
The more you goofballs talk, the more I doubt any of you PvP ever beyond ganking people 20 lvls below you hahaha
Yeah sorry accidentally flagged my post lol so re posted it
Pretty sure you’re just throwing what I told you right back lmfao (be original in other words). Fact is, this addon’s something we didn’t have back in the day no matter how you justify it.