Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

Exactly. As a rogue one of our main utilities is stealth. Other classes have heals, aoes, roots, mezzes, a multitude of tools. Granted we have a few stuns ( of course the main stun relying on stealth) Our main tool in our kit is stealth.

Take that away you take a huge part, might as well give addons that will break crowd control affects as well.

Mage can aoe freeze everyone blink away, there’s no addon to make that less effective.

But an addon is allowed that takes away a rogue main utility.

It’s quite simply not fair.


Totally not fair brother!

So you’re calling out something irrelevant and not mutually exclusive then? Well done.

Folks played terribly in Vanilla on an objective scale, as we can see from the differences between Vanilla raid kill videos of the past and present, likewise with gear choices, rotations, specs, etc.

However, that doesn’t mean folks didn’t try to do their best to min/max their UI, their play, etc in accordance to what they thought was the best. Subjective to our otherwise terrible theorycrafting and modeling of Vanilla, folks were top notch and relentless. Just shows how off the mark we all were then.

Your utility isn’t gone.

Rogues are only good because of stealth.

Take that away we are worse than pretty much every class.

Sorry you don’t like that but it’s a fact.

And the stealth only gives a certain advantage that can be outplayed…

Good thing no one has taken away your Stealth.

“Your utility isn’t gone.”

Yes it is.

However they announce that there is someone sneaking nearby. Come on, tell the truth. We all have Spy, it’s why we’re here discussing it.

“Good thing no one has taken away your Stealth.”

They did though.

I say let them keep their silly addon. Let it give them a false sense of security. Then use that to mess with them. Go in and out of stealth out of their line of sight and watch them panic. toss some emotes at them and maybe a distract to let them know you’re watching them. Make them afraid to step outside of town. Then stop and right when they think you’ve left, sneak up and delete them. >:D

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Ally druids are the worst though.

Literally had one named “moonfirespam” the other day, would sit far away from you hiding until you were low from fighting mobs then moonfire.

Never took a fight 1v1, typical ally though, and of course the same type of scum who are defending this addon.

Uh. I can hear you sneaking around me. Frost Nova, blink, sheep. Don’t need a cheat.

Wait until BG’s come out. I’ll be healing, and they’ll be trash tier.

You hear them stealthing from 200 meters away? Damn son.

It must be the tusks. They’re like dowsing rods for rogues lol

You should submit a bug report. My Rogue can still use Stealth, and all the Stealth-only abilities too! Same with my Druid and Prowl related skills.


No you can’t. I’ve seen it on streams… there is no reason any one should know how many of the opposite faction are around. Check out this twitch video… this is what the spy addon does. Skip to 4 hours in. That box on teh right with ally names in it is spy.

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Stealth in the dictionary:

  • Cautious and surreptitious action or movement.

E.g., “the silence and stealth of a hungry cat”

Now does announcing your presence within 200 yards to everybody in the vicinity with a loud buzzer sound like a cautious and surreptitious action?

The blizzard tooltip definition reads:

*Stealth - “allows the rogue to sneak around, but reduced your movement speed by 30%. Lasts until cancelled.”

Is it sneaking around when Spy is there to announce the rogue’s presence to every opponent in a very large radius?


you can show them all the proof in the world and they will ignore it and repeat trying to move goalposts. One of them for sure is using lots of alts to bolster his argument. Just go to their activity page and look at all the likes they give each other lol.

not only that but broadcasting to other spy users. It networks with other add ons, but they do not want to talk about that do they.

How can an addon that literally broadcasts information to everyone around you and thereby extends the normal vanilla combat log of players be permissible?

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