Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

No, spy reads the Combat Log, if someone were to read it, it would say Harmondale gains Stealth.

Then takes the first word, and puts it into a box.

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No, normal tracking does not, and track hidden just increases our steatlh detection and shows them within a certain range, otherwise, no.

Yeah, once you go into the settings and edit the option. Then sit there and stare at the combat log for no reason when you’re doing your random questing, farming, fishing, etc. Think they intended to blare a warning for you and tell you in the center of your screen that a rogue just stealthed those 200 meters away?
Yup, because everyone does that normally.

Here comes Fasciae’s reply to defend himself.

Why are you so against the Combat Log? It has been this way for 15yrs…

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Because the warning wasn’t there for 15 years, bud.

Well yeah… the subsequent enemy actions within 200 yards of me tend to scroll up next within seconds. Not sure where I could hang out in WoW for 15yrs to make a single Combat Log entry last forever short of stopping the log from scrolling.

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That’s my point. This wasn’t a problem for their class in classic. I have an advantage, you have an advantage (which you’re desperately defending here),

and Mayhap has the advantage as well. You think it’s fair because you’re not on the receiving end.

No one ever looked at the combat log to know if a rogue was around. No one had this advantage, and yet they do now. That’s my problem here for the 100th time. Do me a favor and stop asking me to repeat myself. /golfclap

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It can only detect someone entering stealth nearby. If you enter the area already in stealth, you are not detected. Maybe be a sneakier rogue?

Expecting someone to sit in stealth 24/7 based on one addon is a tad bit much in my opinion. And it’s not really nearby, it’s 200 meters. Go measure it in game, it’s actually a decent ways away. Can get warned through several walls over where you’d never have seen them to begin with.

Hit the nail on the head brother! It is NOT how the rogue class was intended to be. We were designed to be sneaky and subtle. Not beeping our horn anytime we stealth 190 yards away.

That the Combat Log can be separated and filtered to give precisely the same functionality as Spy? Oh… well thanks for agreeing with me I suppose? Not sure why you’re still here now…

Incredulity isn’t an argument.

Your problem is a refusal to believe evidence to the contrary? Your name suits you.

Sorry for your loss, but Rogues had this limitation to their class since Alpha. I know it takes time for loss to sink in but… I have faith you’ll make it in this hard times!

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I’m not sure if you’re trolling at this point.

<name> has gained <ability> has been around forever. I even used to LOOK at the combat log to see if the person I about to fight gained perception for example.

Before I dove into UI addons that make buffs/debuffs bigger on frames so I can see better (on top of playing on a tiny laptop for college), I used to play with my General chat box with guild and whispers tabs, and my combat log bot sized a bit small hovering above it.

This way I could tell in group battles (like battlegrounds) when someone used a big cooldown or dangerous spell. I had to disable a lot of information otherwise it would scroll like crazy, but that’s what I used to do.

And now I use Omnibar (THANK GOD). It’s aesthetically pleasing, and it clears up my very minimalist UI I’ve come to love.

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It’s not any different than people turning on everything in the combat log. I could see rogues stealthing in my combat log back before spy even existed.

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For anyone reading this, read my whole quote. He’s cherry picking right now because he’s not got much to go on.

Your context is simply a falsehood. Rogues have had this “problem” since Alpha.

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Just lol @ all the people claiming to have been looking at their combat log 24/7 during vanilla when back then 90% of the player base were clickers who didn’t even know how to use Keybindings. Maximum lol.

Also ironic how so many people say the reason the end-games dungeons and raids are so easy nowadays is because “everybody sucked back then” but when it comes to Spy, everyone was apparently a pro combat log parser who stared 24/7 at their combat logs for incoming rogues.

Funny you say that. Wish I was at home, I’d upload a really old screenshot I have and you’d see what I said in my previous post.

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You’re whining people did what they could to manage the information stream in Vanilla and have now streamlined it while simultaneously implying the golden era of Rogue wPvP was when:

So to summarize, people got better, and now you don’t get free kills.

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Yup, I’m real sad too. lols

No. I’m calling out how 90% of the responders claimed to have looked 24/7 at their combat log in vanilla while simultaneously the player base is claiming the reason end game raids are easy is because everybody was terrible back in vanilla who didn’t even know how to keybind.

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