Rogues wanting to make the game worse for everyone for their personal benefit is a very vanilla thing, the internet archives from the vanilla forums show rogues whining that not being able to beat every class 1v1 means they need buffs, because they are supposed to be the best class obviously.
I think a fix would be as easy as making it so stealth doesn’t show up in the combat log.
Actually, the only change to fix the problem the OP is speaking of is simply to remove only stealth from being reported to the combat log. Would affect nothing besides those who stare at the box for rogues to stealth (doesn’t happen), and SPY from reporting it.
If it’s that simple then hopefully they can do something about it =D. I know nothing about addons personally, it was just something I read in a post over on Reddit =)
Just hit stealth and wait literally 2 minutes, everyone will stop spamming aoe and go back to farming, assuming you are just one of the pile of rogues also farming.
If you have trtouble getting kills in wpvp as a rogue, its probably a personal issue.
So remove stealth from the combat log. Simple.
Exactly - just remove stealth from the combat log. The fact that it announces your presence with a loud buzzer is completely contrary to the intended purpose of the ability!
Your felhound detects stealth and your succubus charms, how do you lose to a rogue?
The bonus to detection from felhunter only increases the odds of you seeing a rogue, but its the last pet you want to have out.
Succubus only works if you keep it away from you, if its next to you when the rogue opens they can kick it or put a dot up to interrupt the channel. If you do keep your succubus away from you while you do other things, this will work, but most locks dont just stand 20 yds away from their succubus, since interrupting the stunlock is the only thing keeping the rogue from ensuring you do nothing before death.
VW gives you a bubble and Phys dmg reduction if you have master demonologist, and you can pop bubble, but most rogues will check your buffs and leave you if you are SL spec with a VW and know what you are doing.
You can check lock buffs, I get ganked all the time if I am farming in my pve spec, when im spec’d for pvp, most players leave me alone.
As an orc I can also hope to resist the stun from my racial, interrupting the rogue at any point in his stunlock is the only hope you have, since its piss easy for the rogue to wait out your bubble from a blind and restealth without blowing vanish, if they save vanish for your deathcoil, and you cant gett them to put kick on CD, you wont get cc of and can just hope your dots kill them when your dead or you have SS up and can pop up hoping for the revenge kill.
Lock spec changes everything, if you aren’t SL and a rogue opens on you, you have far less time to respond, since you die so so much faster.
Spy is very powerful, it is an extreme advantage. But you can’t say “this addon is too good and this one isn’t”. I’m either for all the addons OR NO ADDONS AT ALL.
There are countless addons that give incredible amounts of information that make Spy look lackluster in relation. Addons that track health, addons that track cooldowns, track spellcasts, track durations of those spellcasts, addons that automate healing by selecting the rank and type of heal depending on who you clicked, addons that automate decursing, addons that announce all the combat logged events of bosses and timed events of bosses…
ALL OF THOSE are more effective at reading the combat log and giving you information than Spy is.
The only difference? Undead Rogues hate it, the only reason Undead Rogues even get rolled in the first place is to have easy, safe, PvP with no counterplay. And there is absolutely NO other reason.
Looking at the OP, I’m not the least bit surprised. If Onyxia were a player, they’d be here on the forums crying about DBM and how powerful it is.
Eh, it may actually do so. Use it to its fullest and you will see how it’s kinda boring the line of automation.
Some of its features are harmless and could be retained even if the tracking feature (showing coordinates) among other details was eliminated.
I primarily enjoy the stat tracking.
But the difference between Spy and that addon is that not nearly as many people used that addon in Vanilla because 1) Information in general was less prevalent back in Vanilla and 2) Addons were harder to install when they weren’t just one mouse click away through Curse.
Plus that addon actually automated way less than Spy does. Spy has actually demolished tons of Ironforge raids because it detected a Horde warlock trying to summon people in an empty house in the middle of nowhere hundreds of yards away from everyone else. Spy detected that guy despite all that and just screamed at everyone in the Alliance to go gank those guys. Has any addon done THAT in Vanilla, let alone one as universally installed as Spy?
Spy needs to be broken.
Spy will be broken. Mark my words. Just a matter of time.
May your vanish be broken by many batched melee ability uses.
Absolutely. Vanish is extremely bugged, both in PvP and PVE. But that is another topic.
All add-ons bore the line of automation in some degree. DBM automatically tracks boss CDs and displays them for you. Recount/Details automatically reads your combat log and calculates how much DPS/HPS you are doing.
As long as the purpose of the add-on is taking information that is already available and displaying it in an easier to read way, it doesn’t violate the ToS and will not be banned.
Assuming that automation does not provide a class with functions it did not have by default.
Some of it is a lil questionable, but we will see how they handle it in the coming months because it’s kinda in certain ways game breaking as detailed by several people above.
I just hope I can retain the original Spy features, specifically the stat tracking.
spy cant even pick you up across the map if you see someone in the distance stealth if you want to kill them before you enter spys range its only like 40 yards or something sometimes spy doesn’t even alert me till the person walks in front of me spy had been in the game for over a decade
To be honest, I think Alsoria is right. Spy was around in vanilla. At the very least, it was used on private servers which ran 1.12
Another good point. I guess knowing a rogue is around gives you a chance to prepare in case you’re jumped. But in reality, leaving the area or stealthing yourself is the only real advantage this gives you
Also, im a druid and I also get spotted by this add-on. But I don’t have a problem with it
pretty much the only thing spy tells me is im about to die