Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

I mean, I don’t use Spy, read Combat Logs nor play on PvP Servers and can still see stealth players, from time to time :woman_shrugging:

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As a healing main, I can concur that it doesn’t make sense to allow something like this.

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This addon does need to be broken. Why blizz hasn’t done this already is confusing.

They can’t break it. If they broke this addon it breaks hundreds of other addons that call functions from the combat log.

Anyone who knows anything about LUA or the WoW API will tell you the exact same thing.

Deal with it.


Lol a rogue whining about having a harder time ganking, sweet sweet tears.


The most they could do would be to suppress certain events from the combat log and/or markedly reduce the range covered by the combat log so that things like SPY become substantially less effective.

That said, while such a change wouldn’t upset me I don’t really see it as a top priority change either. There is an argument though that non-damage, non-healing actions by any player or mob should not show up in the combat log.

But they COULD make a change that negatively impacts this add-on while not overly harming others serving different purposes.

Walk off a bit to get out of their combat log range, stealth, surprise!

The problem isn’t Spy, it’s the combat log. Even without Spy back in the day you could see a rogue coming from the text in the log.


I agree, just seeing people calling for it to be ‘banned’ or ‘broken’ have no idea what they are asking for. They have no clue how the API system in WoW works.

Nothing wrong with changing the data retrieved by the API call though. I do agree non-combat hostile enemy actions should not appear in the combat log. This would not affect PVE logs and addons either which is a concern of some.

As a Hunter it does kinda suck that my track humanoid is basically useless currently, and that aspect of the beast does literally nothing.

I feel like I can no longer ‘hunt’ people in game. Everyone knows when anyone is around. It’s really not as fun an experience.


Don’t get me started on how Track Undead as a paladin doesn’t return UNDEAD players because they’re classified as Humanoids… despite being literally a race of UNDEAD

yea i would advise anyone to play a rogue on a pvp server with the spy addon being out id just wait for bgs in phase 3.

spy addon is wall hacks.

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I’ve been maining a druid. From my experience:

  • zero problems using stealth and ganking people (Do it constantly)
  • zero problems using stealth and sneaking around people
  • Track Humanaid remains extremely useful (and I use Spy)

Your experience may differ, however I suspect anyone complaining about Spy and stealth are just looking for excuses, or imagining problems.


In vanilla, stealth also makes you move extremely slow. So it is not practical to stealth from very far away. What if your friend is getting ganked? Are you going to stealth from a mile away and take 1 minute to get there?

What about situations where the person you want to kill is about to mount away? Boom, they mount away and are gone while you are standing there like an idiot stealthed from 200 yards away.

In these situations you really aren’t to be concerned with the element of surprise. Your use of stealth is to get as close enough out of combat to stealth and open with your cheap shot to hopefully save your friend. They’re already engaged in PvP and probably actively situationally aware to begin with. You riding/running up on this situation isn’t likely to go unnoticed with or without SPY.

Just the way the cookie crumbles. Sometimes you hit your mark, other times they get away.

There’s really two modes to playing a rogue in PvP. Either you’re going for a quick grab in which case the element of surprise from stealth is less of a concern as it’s mostly just a means to an end for stunlocking/opening. The approach is no different than being rode up on by a Paladin or Shaman or anything else.

The other is you’re creeping looking to gank in which case you should be spending your entire time in stealth slowly sleuthing through a high traffic area looking to pick people off suddenly… not running/riding around like a dweeb thinking you can be all obvious and noticeable until you get 30 yards from them and bank on still getting the jump.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Spy work by picking “X has gained stealth” messages out of the combat log? It’s not optimal but an easy way to work around this is to just stay stealthed for the entirety of the period you’re roaming about doing your best to be a gankster. If you do that the only time Spy will be able to notice you is when you’re close enough for visual stealth detection to trigger.


Remove stealth from combat log…boom its broken and no other addons lol.

such a persuasive and well thought out argument.

It was a huge an oversight by blizzard to put stealth in the combat log log. It is treated as any other “buff” on your character when it should be a sneaking ability not registering in the combat log.

Why shouldn’t it be in the combat log?

It also audibly triggers something in the client. It sounds like you just aren’t good at using stealth when it’s not a god mode for ganking.


The question is why should it be in another persons combat log? Should me buffing X tell Y that I buffed X when I had nothing to do with Y as a priest? No, and it shouldn’t be in the combat log. It’s a COMBAT log, in what case is someone else activating a self casted ability combative in any way?

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Forget about being a ganker for a minute. I’ve been trying to use stealth to hide from the horde gankers in Redridge/Duskwood, and now I see that instead of helping me stay safe, it’s drawing the attention of the enemy! I’d be better off hiding behind a bush and NOT activating stealth.

Think how stupid and immersion breaking that is. But I guess Blizz is more concerned about a pro-Trump guild name breaking immersion. facepalm