Stealth ability doesn’t feel stealthy because of Spy

It doesn’t at all. 200 yards is in literally any direction. Go on, download the addon and just hang out in the middle of Felwood somewhere, the amount of pings you will get is practically spam-worthy.

You can just stealth further away to completely avoid being seen at all, but hitting it at 150 yards doesn’t mean they suddenly know which tree you’re lurking behind, nor does it keep you on top of their list as there is likely at least one other person performing actions near them and now you won’t show on the list after a time.

The real solution here is to not go into stealth so close to your enemies. Combat Log range is not infinity and is less than the field of vision.

If you’re trying to genuinely sneak up on someone stealth further out or just stealth through the area. You’re moving more slowly but nobody is going to see that stealth transition.

Besides, you’ve disrupted them as is if they’re now spamming AoE or trying to lump together and scared to venture out. Just be patient and wait for them to expend much of their mana or let their guard down and resume to normal grinding/questing.

While SPY is more reliable/consistent about notifying the player that someone did X nearby. They could just as easily have their camera zoomed or positioned such to have seen you coming too. Or could be a part of a smaller % of players who do play with the combat log displayed and noticed the event passing through the log themselves.

We literally just established that it is a 200-yard range. That is INSANE. You know how far of a range that is?

In vanilla stealth also makes you go extremely slow. So it is not practical to stealth from very far away. What if your friend is getting ganked? Are you going to stealth from a mile away and take 1 minute to get there?

What about situations where the person you want to kill is about to mount away? Boom, they mount away and are gone while you are standing there like an idiot stealthed from 200 yards away.

I don’t believe view distance is nearly that far, the add-on effectively adds to your view range by giving you info you couldn’t have seen.

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Honestly the people who say “lol bro just stealth from farther away bro” have never played a vanilla rogue.

Because having 100% control over a fight and not letting anyone play, sapping anyone off mineral nodes or herb nodes and ability to reset a fight however man times you want apparently makes you think anyone cares if an addon just alerts them that you’re nearby lmao.


You can’t ban all the changes in player behavior. Just look at the “spellcleave” groups, Devilsaur mafias, and instance farming.

Asking for an addon to be banned is a change to the game itself. We’ve had enough changes already, thanks. Your proposal is rejected.

So you agree we should bring back classic LFG and the auto invite feature, since that was in vanilla? Heck why don’t we just make it easier on everyone and instead of them having to download LFG addon just have a built-in feature for LFG that auto invites you? Since that was in vanilla right and it’s just parsing data and people are smarter these days?

I mean, it’s funny because I actually mained as a rogue in vanilla and one of the most notorious gankers on the entire server was a NE Rogue named Vixen in Hillsbrad who literally spent his entire time stealthed and just prowling around the area.

I knew that if I was waiting until close to a player to stealth then chances are I was already noticed and just had to hope that either A) they didn’t or B) that even if they noticed that they were still in too much of a bind or panicked to be able to deal with it effectively so that I could still get my sap / cheap shot off. Yes, ganking mages was hard as a result.

All I’m seeing in this thread is people who don’t actually know how to play rogues and who are sad that they can’t play their rogue poorly and still gank people easily. Heck, I’m surprise people aren’t complaining about the dismount sound tipping someone looking the other way of an approaching enemy.

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Sure, as long as we’re rolling back changes.

I didn’t care about ClassicLFG when people first started whining about it, and I still don’t care about it now.

The ONLY changes that should have ever been made are fixes for bugs and severe exploits. We should be using the original server code and a modified version of the ORIGINAL client.

Too bad we aren’t, we are using a franken-port legion client full of bugs and completely unvanilla like, just sucks that too many 18-25 gamer boys never played vanilla and have no clue what vanilla was actually like so they can’t tell the difference.

Like I said: there have been too many changes already.

If they wanted to release a “vanilla remastered”, they should have made FAR more changes than this (like no batching and no leeway).

If they wanted to release a “No Changes” version, they should have updated the original server and client to run on modern hardware.

Instead we’re somewhere in the middle, and it sucks. Everything feels slightly off, and there are a bunch of random bugs that weren’t around in vanilla OR legion. Just look at hunters FFS. Or even with Warlocks, I can proc improved drain soul while draining one mob… because I landed the killing blow on a completely different mob. Where did this bug even come from?

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Also no one is even mentioning weak aruas will show the buffs of anyone within a 40 yard radius stealthed or not friendly and enemy. Spy by itself is pretty bad for pvp combine it with 2 or 3 other addons and yea it is broken.

Which I have explained ad nauseam and I’m tired of repeating myself.

You forgot to mention shamans with elemental mastery being able to double crit with a lightning bolt and lightning shock at the same time due to spell batching, that talent gives them 2 100% crits lol.

Everyone arguing here is wasting their time. Anyone who knows anything about LUA or the API call system that addons use in WoW will tell you it won’t be banned. Doing so would break hundreds of addons.

Tough udders.

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Stealth isn’t sneaky even without spy being a thing. I can see rogues for a solid 2 seconds after they stealth. I just pop a baby hellfire on em and they’re finished. Until the spellbatching is removed, your class is cucked anyways.

Dude… I left out a LOT of bugs.

I wasn’t talking to you, and honestly I don’t care about what you wrote.


Mind, you directly quoted me, but okay, this is consistent with the quality of your posts.

Its also announces players flying from one fp to another, which makes you overly paranoid or desensitized to the constant alarms.

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