Steady Flying

I’m not sure if you saw it, but one of the dynamic flying devs posted on here a while back and said they want to get it to the point where it’s easy to do with just one hand and make things easier with more accessibility options.

I highly doubt this will ever happen. But if it does… it’s going to be like a decade from now and I’ll probably be too old to care at that point. LOL


lol, most likely I will be dead in 10 years (old age)

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My friend is the same way. It took her until ZC to figure out dragonriding.

I unfortunately learn annoyingly quick lol. Reason I altoholic so bad.

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Well stated. Let me add that what will be revealed in less than a month that there is no reason to gate TBC normal flying. The truth can not be buried no matter the obstacles put forth.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


That is not what you said, I quoted you correctly. Keep going down this road and I’ll ignore ya like I have others.

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Steady flight is normal flight you confused person.

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You have tried to be a neutral voice in this thread but those with an agenda are trying to cast a shadow over your light.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


No, it isn’t.

Skyriding is the default flying mode as of TWW, and normal flying.
Preferable mode.
By majority of players.

TBC flying is ded.

No TBC flying is the crown jewel which is why it requires completing the TWW story and themes.

But I recommend that BlizZard remove PF requirements and put the PF requirements on Sky gliding IMVHO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Are you that much delusion or just trolling at this point?
This isn’t the RP-forums.

Yes, it is.

You are not required to fly, aka dynamic fly. You are able to use an automated system to take you through hoops and to the top of the tower. It’s basically a flightpath. You do not do the flying.

All I’m hearing is, “This is my echo chamber and factual information is not allowed while I’m angry and you’re not!”

Please, yes, put me on ignore. :rofl:


Sky gliding should require finishing the campaign and theme of the expansion. That make sense to BlizZard.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Agree. I think it will be very wierd if there is any PF in expansions to come. After TWW skyriding will have had it’s big day in two expansions.

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Who cares what someone else calls either of them as long as everyone can use what they prefer.

Steady flying can be dead to you, ignore away. I don’t see it going anywhere.


Ok now I understand.

I’m not “picking” on him. He has said multiple times they want Steady Flight removed from the game, I don’t. Of course I’m going to post in opposition to them.

So far you have told me I’m throwing temper tantrums, crying, posting far-fetched opinions and now that I’m picking other posters. Maybe it’s you that is picking on me?


Not anymore.

“This is what flight is now.” - Ion,

Also it’s the new leveling experience as well. You’ll get dragonriding by default and some glyphs passively.
You’ll never guess what isn’t unlocked by default. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You ignore actual logic and facts and try to shove your own RP and tinfoil hate theories down everyone’s throats.
No idea why you continue to act like the voice of reason here :joy:

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Okay? And you can agree to disagree.
Arguing back and forth isn’t going to change each others mind.

Depends. Are you running some kind of “campaign”? :joy:

Sorry. I had to.
But again, you CAN have differing opinions and posting them here is literally not going to change what is happening in the game. So being up in arms about him saying he wants it removed, and you going “Oooooh NOOOOO HOW DARE YOU?!” does nothing.

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Let me add that these inconsistencies are like shadows in the back of the minds of players as it gnaws on them as to why BlizZard would stoop to such lows.

Boggles the mind indeed.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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On this I agree with you