Steady Flying

Why? It’s not being removed.

Opinion =/= campaigning.

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He is actually campaigning against me, but he won’t admit it.
I’ve been the only one saying that it should be removed.

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They do get it right off the bat. Steady Flight is the one you unlock.

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Skyriding is the normal flight.
It is the default flight mode.
New players will be using Skyriding by default.

TBC flying is bound to die.

On this forum, there has been many times I admitted I was wrong.

For my opinions on you, I don’t think I’m wrong.


They could fix all this by treating all flying the same. If they don’t want us to fly from the get-go, give the new zones air defenses that make flight impractical. They could let us summon our flying mounts and try, but we would get shot down or get blown away by the storm or whatever. Then completing the campaign quests and taking control of the zones could make flight practical again. That’s how I would do it.


Not to seem insensitive, but how is dynamic flight any more difficult than playing a rogue? Besides motion sickness complaints, any other complaints make me honestly wonder how someone with such disability can play any part of this game? There really is not much difference between playing a rogue and Dynamic Flight.

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I tried playing a rogue, but doing so was beyond my physical abilities. I was horrible at it and that was not fun. I play video games for fun, not that.

Not everyone has the same gaming skills.


I’m not playing a game, especially not paying for it if I can’t find regular enjoyment in it. Which is why I didn’t leave the game when I found out about pathfinder. I feel strongly about not having tbc flight right off the bat, but I’m not going to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Otoh it makes me stop and wonder why people feel tbc flight is disruptive to the game. No one is forced into any kind of travel, with very few exceptiob. And tbc flight is never forced on anyone as far as I know.

All things being equal there would be no pathfinder and everone just pick their favorite mode of travel whenever they played for every circumstance.

You can argue back at me PF is inconsequential because it is so easy. This remains to be seen for me until TWW launches. I expect it to be present at launch and I hope it doesn’t prevent me from enjoying launch.

P.S. I have never called for the end of skyriding. Many people seem to enjoy it.


Now that’s just being overly contrary…

Maybe? I don’t see why the default form of flight wouldn’t be called “normal” if you had to use the term (I don’t)

Normal might fit better with the legacy flight not the new one. But normal is different for everyone.

Precisely, and going forward Dynamic will be the default since DF will be the default leveling expansion (unless that was changed recently).

There is a new one in TWW.

So that is an issue that is ongoing.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Even so. I play this game with the firm acknowledgement that one day I will never be able to play this game again. currently I have bad eyesight, and there are many games I have had to give up because I can’t play it anymore. As I approach age 65 I also realize that there will be a time, perhaps soon when this game will be beyond my capabilities. I don’t expect Blizzard to cater to my own difficulties, and perhaps dynamic flight is one of those scenarios for many. Although, I also have heard never say never. My nephew broke his neck a few years ago and has been able to find macros that help him play WoW. Also he loves Dynamic flight, it just took him a minute to learn it. In all honesty, sometimes it is time to hang up our gaming controllers. It will be time for me soon, as I don’t plan on playing WoW when I have to move to the retirement home.

Well based on what is being said and how they keep expanding dynamic, its not a farfetched to say its possibly coming to an end or being phased out.

And whats wrong with having an opinion like that?
You are die hard tbc.
Y’all have different opinions and thats okay.
What’s not okay is to pick on him for having that opinion.


For me, it’s neurological disorders. New things and new multitasking are difficult.

It took me all of beta and part of Dragonflight to learn dynamic flying. I had to continually practice at it. My signals are slower and I wasn’t able to react to new things.

Old things are already ingrained in my brain. They’re second nature now. So playing my characters isn’t an issue.

Fun fact: it took me half of Shadowlands to learn how to do the “simon says” world quest. Remember that one with the dodge, parry, kick? Yeah… I couldn’t do it. I was too slow or I couldn’t remember which button was for which ability.

That’s how bad it was after COVID for me.

I’m getting better, slowly. But geebus, it was pretty hilarious watching me try to figure out dragonriding back then.


Skyriding highlight during the end of MDI TGP today:

Sadly no highlight for old, boring, outdated, TBC flying.

I’ve thought about this too. I’m older than you, but I’m not ready to quit yet. Physically I can do skyriding fine, my problem is sky riding cause me motion sickness. I’ve experimented with all of the motion sickness settings and they do help.

Others much younger than me find skyriding too difficult to do, many times this is a result of physical disabilities.

For those of us with problems with Skyriding, will have to do the Pathfinder achievement to gain Steady Flight. I will do that, I just hope Blizzard does not remove steady flight.