Steady Flying

It was not expensive at all, I was there. I was able to buy not only flying, but every single mount at the same time.


I do, actually.
More than often, all expansions.

Every time that happened, I deserved.

Maybe you deserved, but you’re not ready to talk about it.


During TBC the 60% flying mount was not that expensive. But getting 5k without all the amount of information we have, yeah, it took a lot of time for lots of people.

I was there too, and I played classic TBC as well, while in Classic TBC all my guildies already had epic fly mount for all their mains and all their alts at level cap, back in 2007 most of my guildies didn’t have it, and when I got myself (I farmed with my main), I was one of the few with epic fly and farming, so I kinda made a lot more gold as well, and I used to play in one of the most populous realms in NA (Warsong).

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I gotta say I’m surprised you said it is debatable.
At least you’re conceding to the possibility that others have had their reasons to kick you although you disagree.

That would insinuate its being removed, which its not. Which completely invalidates your “campaigning” argument.

Saying “I think it should be removed” on a forum is not campaigning, especially if nothing is going to happen regardless of what is said.

You just disagree, are throwing a tantrum and are trying to make people shut up. That’s not how the forums work.


Thousands upon thousands of dungeons under my belt through lfg from wrath to now. All xpacs in all chromie times.

You don’t get kicked “randomly”. You did something or said something to paint a target on your head.

I can think of only one instance in 14 years of running dungeons where I got kicked randomly. It was a full guild group that was trolling on twinks. And the odds of that happening are astronomical.

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Not 100% true. Been kicked without reason before.


Oh that can happen.
For example, the racist people kicking out latin american players from latin american realms.

You’re right, but that is not your case.

“Ur latin americans have two left feet?” You have been removed from the group.

I guess there really was a reason opps my bad.

I do disagree, but I’m not throwing a tantrum, just offering my opinion, just like you.


While not 100% true. It is 99.5% true. The odds of getting kicked while being innocent are very very low.

More often than not you pulled for the tank, kept afking, pet taunting/taunting off the tank, being annoying in chat/said something offensive. Etc.

But getting kicked for just existing? .5% of that happening.

You are flaming people for having a different opinion. Telling them to stop and crying campaigning against a thing lol.

Its one thing to have an opinion, its another to make the wild insinuatations you are doing. Or claim that people are trying to get rid of something. No one here has that power lol.

I’m not flaming anyone, or crying, just giving my opinion just like you.

Feel free to report me for flaming.


Like many topics that people have a disagreement about, this one turned into personal attacks quite quickly. It’s really a giant train wreck, imo.


You have a personal campaign against me.

You’ve been doing this most of the thread.
If someone disgrees. They are “campaigning”.

And you’ve directed that nonsense at me when I never gave you my stance on it as well lol. You just didn’t like what I said so you threw out your farfetched buzzword.

Unlike yours, Ive been quoting Ion and linking the youtube video of his panel.

Unfortunately if you check the top posters, that’s usually how it goes with this crowd.

And it goes the same in pretty much all of the pathfinder threads. Same names, same attitude, same derailment.


No I don’t, but I do disagree with you.

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I’m hardly a top poster, I have like half the posts that you do.

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I wasn’t talking about you then was I?

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Actually, I tend to use my ground mount more often these days because its a bit easier for me when I’m only traversing a few yards or between one portion of a map around rock outcrop to my next point of a quest. Its rather overkill to hit the dragonflying just to dismount a few yards away anyway.

I also enjoy the old fashioned slow flight as well as it makes it easier for me not to face plant against a tree, mountain side or a doorway as I have been wont to do these days. I’m old and my movements are not that fast any more. But I’ve been very happy with both styles of mounts.

As for dragonriding, this has been difficult for me as its so fast by the time I manage to settle myself into the mode, I’ve either lost vigor or face planted into something I did not see because I was concentrating on getting off the ground and maneuvering in the general direction I wanted to go. But running out of power is a real pain in the rear end.

I am not that concerned with Bliz’s desire to put up a short block for us to complete to unlock something. After all we all had to run for a bit before we could even purchase a mount (remember the old days?), or be able to use one we had already earned but could not use until we reached a certain level.