Steady Flying

Make friends.

Who said that?

They want to punish disabled players that have issues with Dragon Flying or whatever flavor of name it is this week…

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That is your twisted victim-play perspective out of this because I’m not supporting your idea for removing Pathfinder.

Shame on you.

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Why not ? What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander…this invoking pathfinder on Steady flying is viewed by many as a kick in the pants to those with disabilities or medical issues…we don’t like to be kicked down again we already fought enough in game to get where we are now.


The problem isn’t pathfinder. They problem is having to manually switch between the two when we already have a perfect system. Having both accessible at same time is great. This is a massive downgrade coming Tuesday.

No shame on you for wanting Steady flight removed completely…you stated as much earlier in this thread…you want to take away one flight many disabled can use force them to the ground mounts only …


I’m sorry you’re not adult enough do deal with adversity in your life.
I have an opinion and I’m not afraid of voicing it and I’m not going to be harassed by the likes of you to not express that.

I never said I wanted to punish anyone nor have I shown any prejudice against anyone here.

Stop playing the victim here because you’re no better than the others here that have been harassing everyone out of the discussion here.

Grow up.

Furthermore, you should stop acting like the sky is falling because Blizzard doesn’t care what I think or what you think, they make decisions regardless of that based on data mostly. So, stop acting like the world is going to end, because it will not.

You’ll have your TBC flying for as long as Blizzard thinks it should remain in the game and you’re going to have to play for it, that is, get the Pathfinder completed for as long as Blizzard thinks it needs to be gated behind an achievement.

It makes me SICK that you’re using your disability to bully me out of this thread like this.
Shame on you.

Ten thousand times, SHAME ON YOU.

I ask because I like steady flight and you want it removed.

You are.

The only shame here is what you should be feeling.


Whoa. No one is bullying anyone out of this thread. Everything is a matter of opinion. Time to tone it down. We should not be making personal attacks. It’s not necessary to state your feelings on the topic.


And I didn’t say that either… :roll_eyes:
I was pointing out its no different and the fact that it is a mode of travel period.
It has no affect on combat no matter how you feel.

In your opinion, its QoL.

Cool and I recognized that.

Same could be said with your replies.
I point something out and there is always rebuttal.

Don’t you know?
Stating your opinion or just making a statement period that they don’t agree with = campaigning? :joy:

It is an opinion, so are my thoughts on Steady Flight. Posting again and again against Steady Flight is campaigning to have it removed. I’m campaigning to have it remain in the game.

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Well with account deserter coming up people will use vote kick as a weapon.

“Y U SUCK? GET ACCOUNT DESERTER U LOSER.” You have been removed from the group.


I already said here many times. I think it is detrimental to the game, it doesn’t fit with RPG as the mounts keep flying without having a stamina bar or any risk while flying.

Plus it enables multiboxxers which I also believe it is detrimental to the game. If flying was limited it probably wouldn’t have been bad for the game as most of players considered when it was introduced, anyway.

According to the English dictionary, I’m not.

  • noun An operation or series of operations energetically pursued to accomplish a purpose.
  • intransitive verb To engage in an operation planned to achieve a certain goal.

I’m very proud of being able to voice my opinion here, and I’m very proud that I’ll be Skyriding the skies of Khaz’algar on August 22nd, and having my TBC fly unlocked on day one as well.

The only person here trying to shame others is you, and the more shame you throw at me for the things that YOU ACCUSE me of doing, it just get back to you.

And you know what is the worst part?
You know I’m not campaigning to remove TBC flying.
You know I don’t have any prejudice or bias against anyone with disabilities.

But if you don’t accuse me of that, your bad, reconstructed rhetoric do not work.

Seems like a projection, is that what you do? Do you use votekick as a weapon?

People need to get a grip on reality for once.

No that is what other people do.


Yeah… right.

Always “Other people”


People have weaponized Vote Kick before. Just cause you haven’t been a victim of a troll group yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.



And there it is the V I C T I M

Well keep playing dungeon finder. You will know what i’m talking about when you get randomly kicked eventually.

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I’ve been kicked, and probably deserved it…