Steady Flying

Since TBC normal flying requires completing PF requirements for TWW it is also the theme of the expansion.

Remove the PF TWW requirements and it is no longer part of the theme of the expansion.

Very simple concept to grasp.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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That makes it a side feature, not the core theme.

Yes it is.

Blizzard painted themselves in a corner by making TBC normal flying linked to a TWW PF requirement which is part of the story, campaign and theme of the expansion.

They have woven TBC normal flying into the expansion theme by choice. I think it was a mistake which is why this thread exists to remove PF requirement.

Thank you for agreeing with me again. I like how you are able to post on different actors to converse with yourself. Pretty cool!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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That’s your opinion, there is not a single fact or quote from Blizzard saying that.
It is not even documented in the The War Within page.

I think you just lost really hard, and you’re desperate to find something factual, but you can’t.

All you’ve left is these baseless opinions of yours that when confronted with facts, they’re just that. Baseless and shallow opinions.

BlizZard has never made a side feature that requires completing the MAIN STORY CAMPAIGN. It means it is integral to the story which is PF is linked to it.

BlizZard made the choice and they painted themselves in a corner by making TBC normal flying an integral part of the story campaign and theme of the expansion.

Why would they do that? I am baffled as you are!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Why did they make this choice?


I think you got them.

go get them, champion

Thank you.

This is why PF must go or else TBC normal flying is part of the theme of the TWW expansion.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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Its just dragonflying being adjusted for TWW. Again with the devs literally saying its not an expansion feature its a WoW feature going forwards as early as the middle of DF, its a little bit of a reach to claim its a TWW feature specifically the minor changes they’ve made to it and adding it to other mounts sure, thats a new feature.

Even then though, I don’t see how that changes anything?

We should have the choice from the get go if the only block on it is exploration and finishing the leveling quests. Its trivial, which means it has little point to be a block when we can already do what its doing with dynamic flying throughout the whole expansion.

Pathfinding has no place in a game where we can fly already from the beginning, especially when it can help people who, for whatever reason, cannot use dynamic flying.

Feature or no there isn’t much of a logical reason for them to lock off static flying if they’re only going to barely have you do anything. I don’t see why its not just a choice.


Riding In Style


Scroll down. Enjoy.

Maybe not combat power but which you choose could make you a better combatant. As in how easily you can get where you need to be to engage. I find steady flying better for it.

I hope the pathfinder is easy as some think it will be.


The problem was the argument was flawed to begin with.
There were right or wrong cov picks that seriously hindered your gameplay and damage.

Flight doesn’t remotely have the same effect. Regardless of mode, it’s a time saver. It doesn’t hurt your actual combat gameplay.

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Precision of TBC normal flying is advantageous.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Flight makes a difference in my gameplay. Like I said, in my experience, it allows me to more strategically engage in combat.

I don’t have a dog in the covenants debate. Never did.

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It’s still a mode of transportation no matter how you spin it. Most raids and dungeons, you can’t even use ground mounts.

I can use my hunter as an example.

I could go reven for flayed shot. Which would make my kill shot free and make them bleed. I could get the lego which made it aoe cleave too. However, the damage was pretty bad.
I could go necro, which gave you the glaive throw we have now. That was pretty situational. Even if you had the lego.
You could go kyrian which gave you a 30% crit.

Ooooor you could go night fae which gave you an aoe nuke on a 3 minute cd. And with the lego, it doubled your damage with it.

If you went reven, you had the CHANCE to do crazy damage, but more often than not. It was laughable in comparison to other covs.
Necro had it’s place in raids.
The only one that competed with Fae was Kyrian, but it was easier to drop your aoe nuke circle and go to town.

So if you happened to choose reven because you liked it’s aesthetics, you were MAJORLY handicapped on damage. And there wasn’t much you could do about it.
You were stuck and left to deal until covs were unlocked.

And then there was Shaman/Priest, where you had to be either NF or Venthyr to do pre-nerf M Painsmith.

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Most classes had either 1 or 2 choices sadly haha.
If you went the other 2 options, might as well not even go.

Like spriest. Either necro or venth.
Dk especially. Necro for most situations. Fae if you could min/max.
Ret and prot were pretty much solid kyrian the entire xpac. I think ret could go venth?

But oof… Choosing the wrong one was an actual mistake mistake lol.

Buddy, why respond to me about covenants. I never said a word about them and am in no need of a long personal answer.

Clearly, steady flight is a flight form…

I spend most of my time on open world content. In targeting where I want to engage in combat, steady flight is for the win.

I do enjoy LFR, where not being capable with skyriding messes me up. Hence why I hate to see further content require it.


Skyriding is an art.

I believe it is.

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