Steady Flying

I’m glad you acknowledged that everything you say is about your opinion and not facts.

Let me say that my hypothesis is the following.

TBC normal flying gating at this point can not be pin pointed to a power difference as hovering is not a power move compared to DR which is faster.

But is hovering over powered compared to reaching from point A to point B that much better? I think not and the way the quests are designed the last few expansions exhibit this because they are very dynamic and thus require very little micro management or route planning. Not like traditional daily quest design of TBC or MoP or even full on world quest design of Legion.

Of course we have to dig deeper and realize the smaller maps do not favor TBC normal flying or DR as you still need to land and engage. Same reason why stealth, aggro drops or immunity to daze mechanics do not disrupt quest flow. And also how mobs and NPCs are dropped onto the map and placed near objectives. And the placement of those mobs based on respawn rates have to be increased because of the players being able to travel faster and complete objectives faster.

But in the end what matters is fun and frankly it isn’t fun to force players to play one way which is why TBC normal flying is still around. And forcing players to use DR will backfire because some players like using TBC normal flying or even both TBC normal flying and DR.

And that is my friends of WoW a larger pool of players that most can not begin to fathom. But what we can imagine is that the ramification of such locking of TBC normal flying will lead to more questions being asked and that puts BlizZard is a bind. That bind being they painted themselves in a corner on this issue that they created thinking they are solving a problem.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


People forget that part. Yes, you could just pay gold in the old days, but it took a LONG time to grind that gold. Pathfinder grind is that replacement since gold rains from the sky these days.

But… BUT!!! Parity!!! equality1!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Your opinions carry as much weight as mine.

Thanks for the free bump by the way. May TBC flying live forever.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


And it was a hard max level requirement in TBC. Expert riding (flying) didn’t get lowered to 60 until patch 3.2.

And for cold weather flying in Wrath, the 1k it costed then (adjusted for inflation) is aproximately 30k in late DF gold.

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Speak for yourself.

Gold was not hard to make back in TBC/WotLK/Cata/MoP.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


He’s getting the attention that he wanted so bad but Blizzard won’t hand him a victory and dosn’t help that he like calling blizzard

its not a winning augment its just a childish behavior. they can post 2K+ on this topic all they want and Blizzard will continue to ignore them.

And do the same with DR.

Then it is fair and equal.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Nah, DR was introduced to be available from a certain campaign point, as it was a part of the expansion’s content. TBC flying was introduced to be a max level luxury.

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DR need to be gated with a PF then.

Only makes sense to me.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Oh, I don’t care what others think about my opinions, just like I said, my opinion was that TBC flying should get deleted. Most people disagree with me.

I’m more concerned with how you can’t handle facts like Skyriding being theme of TWW and thus why it is not locked behind PF.

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You’re the one who puts so much weight on the original design of the systems.

DR should be behind a PF if TBC normal flying is going to be behind a PF. It is only logical IMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Even if they did notice, they’d go crosseyed trying to comprehend his gibberish lol.

It’s definitely pretty worrisome. I can’t even wrap my head around their take. They are all over the place.

Thank you for the increased visibility. Your feedback has proven to be very valuable. Thank you.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


See what I just said?
You ignore a fact when you say that.

I would’ve agreed with you if Skyriding wasn’t one of the themes for the next expansion and evergreen feature for the expansion.

TBC normal flying is also the theme of the expansion. So why is it gated and DR is not?

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


“This is what flight is now” - Ion,

No, it isn’t.