Steady Flying

That called false equivalence. I’ve played DAoC and other MMO’s with out flying, but not a single one of them have any bearing on this discussion.


The truth is that BlizZard listens to feedback. You don’t like the feedback you don’t have to participate in the thread.

But thanks for the free bump.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


They listen to feedback.
Not tinfoil hat conspiracies.

You’ve also yet to answer a question correctly without some crazy answer that is completely unrelated.

City of Heroes lowered the level at which you can obtain travel powers.

Anything is possible as most games become relaxed with travel options over time. Only WoW chooses collective punishment of their disabled players over TBC normal flying.

Very strange choice indeed. Not looking good for BlizZard IMVHO but that is the choice they are making like covenant shenanigans.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

That’s great. I know another MMO where using it’s version of the hearthstone cost gold.

In vanilla, you needed to get level 40 to get your 60% mount and 60 for the 100% mount.

The mounts were gated.

In TBC, you had the ground mounts but then they introduced the new flying mount.
The flying mount was gated until level 70, and then also gated behind gold
60% 1k for small amount of gold and 280% for like 5k
Flying was gated.

Wrath. Flying gated again until 80.

MoP? Gated, until 90.

WoD, Legion, BFA, Shadowlands and Dragonflight?
Behind Pathfinder.

The flying added in TBC was always gated.

The problem here happens that you think Skyriding should be gated too, or TBC flying shouldn’t.

That isn’t pathfinder and never was. Why? Because pre WoD PF never existed.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Calling it TBC flying gives away that it should be locked until level cap for that expansion until the mid point of the next expansion (couldn’t fly in outland below 70 until patch 3.2)

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It’s been 10 plus years.
Pathfinder is a permanent fixture now. Do it or don’t. But none of us will be flying using regular flight without doing it.

And in Lineage 2 it would cost you gold to use ports. That is why you would run every where even for castle sieges as ports were disabled during that time.

But Lineage 2 over time introduced ground and flying mounts. Thanks to WoW TBC team introducing flying mounts. It changed the industry forever for the better.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Yeah, I think you’re not capable of understanding figure of speech.

PF is almost dead. All that is left is to finish it off and remove it completely.

It is at this point punishing disabled players. BlizZard doesn’t need that bad public relations heading into TWW IMVHO.

Just my two cents.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I mean, yeah. What we’re getting in TWW is a strictly better version of the Wrath system.

Alright, let’s go back to the TBC system: No flying at all below level 80 in TWW. Once you get to 80, you have to pay a non-trivial gold fee on every character you wish to fly on.


Nope not in my opinion.

Thanks for confirming you didn’t play WotLK.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I don’t you’re fully understand the situation that we are talking about. TBC was gated until you a level and you need lot of gold to buy both license mount to able to fly. Back then there no wow token and you have to heavily rely on both AH and Quest/daily to get your flying. It took me weeks to actually earn Journeyman License When Wrath hit it was alot easier to generate gain gold to actually buy the requirements.

its gated and yes I do agree that DR and PF should gated just shut both of guys up

you guys can never let this thread go its just desperation.

I almost draw for him to show that having an achievement called Pathfinder or requiring max level + gold sink to get the flying mount, they are both locked behind an objective, the only difference is how long it would take for you to get to the flying.

In pre-WoD, with exception of Cataclysm (that only required the gold sink) it was level cap + gold.

But what was his answer?

‘tHaT iSnT pAthFiNdEr’

So it is TBC Flying

:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

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Got Invincible in Wrath classic, Which indicates I’ve played Wrath more than you have.


What is sad is if no one replies… This guy starts replying to random people and spamming the thread to bump it lol.


But there was no dragon riding for the first 18 years of this games life. We have always leveled without TBC flight, with the exception of cataclysm.

Leveling on the ground for 18 years wasn’t a disability or motion sickness issue.

But they did listen to you… this is the crazy part. All during Dragonflight, and every expansion starting with Wod, people asked for Pathfinder to be shorter. To not be gated by waiting for x large content patch 6-9 months into the expansion.

They literally listened to you and shortened that to being available day 1. It is what people requested for a decade.

People in these threads are making it out like the game is impossible to play if you can’t fly. Which was never true.

Flying is a convenience. Letting you skip over things and avoid having to interact with the world. Blizzard has always hated that flight for those reasons.

Cata was the weird exception because they were making the entire old world flight capable, but the new zones were adjacent to old world zones and it would be a poor experience to fly and the cross the border and then fall do your death. So they made Cata zones flyable from the get go.

So Blizzard directly listened to players by shortening what used to be a many months wait for flying to a day 1 unlock.

Completing the campaign is basically the same thing as “hitting max level” give or take a few hours.

It’s literally what you all asked for.