Steady Flying

Pathfinder was max level and gold investment.
In TWW you just finish the main campaign and explore zones.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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BlizZard is gating it because it has more power. If there is no difference in power or potency between DR or TBC normal flying then TBC flying should not be gated.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Skyriding is a major theme of the next expansion thus needs to be available from the get-go.
TBC Flying was… in TBC

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Patchfinder never existed pre WoD.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Your “pathfinder” was getting to max level and then buying the ridding skill and mount.
For every character.

Ground mounts existed in vanilla but were never gated after you gained normal or epic flying from TBC.

Ground mounts were unlocked first. Might as well have TBC normal flying with no strings attached and gate DR with a pathfinder achievement.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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There are several threads, including lots of information in this very thread about why.

There are differently able people who cannot use dragonriding for a litany of reasons, but that is the very type of flight that is being forced on gamers at the start of TWW.

Yes, aside from a few quests everything can be done by a ground mount, but that is false equivalency. Yes, it can be “easily” got by ‘most’ of the community to get normal flight after reaching 80 and discovering all zones aka Pathfinder.

Now, here lies the crux, the people at Blizzard said “Normal flight is for accessability,” yet it is locked behind Pathfinder which directly hurts those gamers in the first paragraph so people, like myself, would like to see that changed, especially after Blizzard paid for a news article saying they are listening to the gamers, yet there are multiple threads in beta and here about this topic with thousands of replies.

Which makes it seem like Blizzard is not only not listening, but also being insensitive to players who cannot use Dragonriding.

Lastly, some players want to see Pathfinder removed completely.

That’s the jist of all this.

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I can answer your question.

The truth is that TBC normal flying existed just fine for many years with out a pathfinder. WoD made things worse by introducing a patchfinder. And thus we are at a point where nothing makes logical sense in terms of game design, strength, fairness and equality. And most importantly game play flow.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


You didn’t explain how it impacts combat power.

That’s not COMBAT POWER.
That’s a mode of transportation.


I have never argued that TBC normal flying is an accessibility feature but BlizZard made it an issue and now must live with the choices they make.

Furthermore let me add that to fix this problem is a simple fix which is remove the PF achievement requirement because it communicates to players that TBC normal flying is somehow better than DR since it is gated.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


it was gated with gold and it took you a long while to get the Riding Apprentice license and that cost you arm and leg and you had to buy rare mount on separated transaction. then you had grind for Journeyman license and epic mount all over again. Same thing with TBC gated with gold but that cost a ton of gold.

Good. Thanks for agreeing with me. No need for the lock of TBC normal flying since there is no combat power difference between TBC normal flying and Dr.

You have agreed with me two times already in this thread. We are on a roll my friend.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Then why have we only been able to use it for leveling your 1st character in 1 expansion?

Ground mounts were available well before you had access to normal or epic flying.

Thanks for your agreement with me. That is why TBC normal flying should not be gated and DR should be gated with a PF achievement.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Can you show me on the bear where the community said that tbc flight is better than dr because of an achievement?

It can be done as other MMORPGs and MMOs do it. You make it sound like flying is impossible to do at lower levels.

Anything is possible.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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I don’t think we can even measure how tall the grass is he is lost in…

It seems wrong to me morally and ethically because in truth those players will be burned out and play less.

Players that used to play even during content draughts are now having to choose to walk away from playing the game due to pain or uneasy feelings when playing a game.

Tough, very tough.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


So what?

The other MMORPGs that I’ve played, you can’t fly at all.

TBC normal flying is attacked a lot because it is sill very popular IMVHO. But also more balanced than DR. DR has had its speed nerfed already for TWW.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man: