Steady Flying


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Flapping in place for hours on end would be MUCH more intense on the mount if we’re being honest XD

i dunno, i think zooming around at such violent speeds would do more damage, depending on the mount. like, the grinning reaver store mount, or one of the other bug mounts? i feel like their wings would get ripped-off at that speed!


It is going to backfire because that along with the toggle nonsense is going to make people realize that BlizZard is not doing anything in good faith.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


they have’nt been doing anything in good faith since pathfinder was added in the first place. after they tied the anchor to our ankles, nothing they’ve done has been in good faith. it’s just them screwing us over, or pretending to have learned their lesson in an attempt to save-face.


This really feels like Ion and Co are saying we didn’t create steady flying so we are going to gate it, but our cool new flying, sure use it right away. It just reeks of we didn’t think of it so we don’t want you to use it.


Hate is vastly overstated, dare I say even over dramatic…

First remember it’s blizzard that is gating it on their own not players - I haven’t seen anything about players asking it to be gated . Quite the opposite most players (myself included) think it’s stupid it’s gated.

As for more directly answering your post - again hate is far too strong a word just most players (again myself included) prefer skyriding .

Why it’s faster for one, it’s little more fun added to travel.

I use both though . Tbc/steady flying is great for precision- you can hover to search for things you can more easily land in tighter places,etc. but SR is for traveling far distances.

I posted many times it’s stupid blizzard is gating any flight at this point.


The thing is, they didn’t think of it. they stole glider racing from Guild Wars 2.


Yeah Ion and co didn’t think of dragon riding either. They lifted it from another game because they’re terrible.

Read the thread then. There are plenty of people that think it’s perfectly reasonable and should stay gated. Contrarian forumites taking the stance just to be garbo but still. They exist.


Not to mention constantly getting caught on rocks and sticks that don’t look like they should be obstacles, long out of the way roads over hills, and trash mobs packed into every sq inch.

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most definately one of teh main reasons I hate it , and you comparing it to planes and helicopters couldnt be further away if it tried.

Being able to hover over a spawn point and just drop in at the last minute without contributing to a kill is a low act . Also just sitting there in teh air avoiding all danger is counter to what this game is about . All flying should be imposible in questing areas ( all mounting period ) . Also teh ability to set it to auto fly - sorry nothing should be doable while your AFK .

give skyriders the ability to knock a hovering or auto fly rider of their mount then that would be great

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and NONE of this should be avoidable in anyway . No flying at all untill all quests have been done , and no mounting in any quest area


They… did that already? And it was unpopular. Pathfinder brought flying back, and it has been neutered progressively each successive expansion until we are at the point we are now in TWW.

Not sure what you think you’re proving here, but it is amusing.

I call it petty but if you want to use another word to describe this feel free to toss in another word.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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You do know that could be said of anything. Its their game, they can put in or take out whatever they like.

It then becomes a choice. Every time they take something out, there are always going to be a proportion of people for who that is a last straw. And them removing standard flight would, for me, be that last straw.

I am frankly fed up with the logic that says that they can provide Flight Style A immediately but Flight Style B you have to wait for and do a slimmed down pathfinder-style path to get it. Is it difficult? No. But where, by all the small hairy goblin toes, is the logic of it?

There is none. They do it because they want to, because Ion hates it and wants to make anyone who doesn’t wait for it. I’ll believe that until my last playing day, because past history supports it. I shouldn’t really respond to these posts because I just get annoyed again. But if, as you say, they decided to take it out, I would end 15 years of play in WoW and walk away. Just because I can choose to do that.


BlizZard is too cowardly to try to remove TBC normal flying again, so they are using passive aggressive measures like poison drips.

Based on beta the amount of blue activity has been cut in half compared to the Dragonflight beta. The state of WoW team and retail is in a very precarious situation.

They refuse to communicate properly and the result is that what ever they intended will lead to a larger backlash.

Truthfully I didn’t envision that many players would speak about accessibility regarding TBC normal flying in DF beta but it is one again one of the hot topics of beta…

Maybe BlizZard will buy a clue?

Like I have said before an easy win or a big fat L. BlizZard is gearing up to take a lot of Ls to force out an expansion that is not ready.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Probably because half the posts are from you.



But you are very popular in the druid community based on the beta threads I have perused!

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Do you have a reason to think Blizzard can or will have a clue? Why bring it up if not? You don’t have to argue both sides just to keep Blizzard in the argument they clearly don’t want to have.