The world pretty much does only exist for that reason on wow. DR doesn’t stop you from avoiding anything, it’s just slightly less convenient because you have to press the button a couple times. It’s definitely not promoting getting involved with what’s happening on the ground if you didn’t already intend to, it just gets you over it faster.
They have tried many poison pills to try to get rid of TBC normal flying since WoD.
But this new approach will fail because there are players that like to use both TBC normal flying and DR.
BlizZard lives in a bubble and they think that people will give up on TBC normal flying because it is behind another patchfinder and people will happily accept DR.
TWW zones (all four of them) are ground mount friendly and you don’t need to do skyriding to traverse each of the zone to get to places. It’s been confirmed by one beta tester that experimented and his name is soulsobrezzy.
You do know if they really just wanted to get rid of TBC flight period, with the fact they do still have flying with Dynamic Flying and its been cut over to almost every single flying mount and probably will be in the future, they could just say. You know the old style fight is being replaced and its being removed period. BUT THEY ARE NOT, they just made it not the preferred style of flight, just an alternative style which is locked behind pathfinder.
Why think of it as locked? Just think of it as a reward for completing the story quests.
people who wants tbc flying removed but like the spider filter are cringe af. you know that a % cant use the new one because of motion sickness. and thats why tbc needs to be in the game without any restrictions. the filter doesn’t help in the settings for some btw
Yes. Yes they are.
Accommodations for me but not for thee.
Imo the crab filter isn’t defended because many people actually need it. It’s defended because people like to dumbify the game as much as they can and “lol crabs” will help with that.
Normally I would call this needless complaining…but I will allow it this one time.
I agree with you, I do not see the need to gate steady flight behind an achieve and it should be made available to those who prefer that over dynamic flight.
It’s not hurting anyone in giving the option to players day 1.
Nope. Hurts nobody, helps a few, and is as simple as flipping a switch.
The people arguing against it are doing it for petty reasons.
They actually did remove the achievement needed to get pathfinder in Shadowlands. Now it is no longer possible to unlock regular flying in Shadowlands content. The achievement no longer appears in the achievement panel for characters that have previously unlocked it or those who have not.
Seemed like a good time to work on it. They sure as heck fixed that.
For lack of a better word Blizzard is trying to break people out of the habit of using steady flying. I happen to really enjoy dynamic but if the roles were reversed it would feel pretty unfair that some people get to use their preferred flying mode while I have do an achievement for mine. Fairness would be locking bother flight methods but Blizzard is not trying to be fair but break people from using steady flight. The hope is if they are exposed enough to dynamic flying people will learn to like it more.
No, they are not. Steady flight is beneficial in so many ways and it ruins the art from the surface. Atleast NOW in TWW the zones are far more ground mount friendly than say dragon isles.
And if you go high enough in the air with DR, you can coast to your destination, just like with regular flying.
I have kiled a boss in SW that was not Kazzak . Game master spawned one a time or 2 . And if you where afk at the time you where dead .
I can go out into the shop and in 10 min. have a 12 volt motor set up to push the space bare wired to a fan outlet on my motherboard to control how fast its rpm is to push the space bar .
Its not more engaging you go by every thing so fast you see nothing .
Way back at start of dragon riding the argument was DR was faster and you never had to land any place you wanted to . That you where a bad player if you could not stay up in the air . And ityour whole reason is going afk on a mount not hard to land your stupid dragon mount on top of a mountain and go afk . Heck I go afk on ground mounts all the time and never die well mostly never .
You could dismount a flying afk player thought Linch King . Dismount in air hit them hit parachute land safe kill them if fall did not .
No telling how many palls bubble hearthed or bubble mounted up . And you could dismount a flying player but not sure if it worked in cata on . xfered to pve server in cata .
Theres no such thing in wow as ground mount friendly . If not for flying mounts I would have to use hearth stone more then I would like to consider , well now they call it the unstuck tool but its your heart stone . Theres all ways places to get stuck between rocks at the bottom of some places .
Well they can’t defend their position because they are trying to defend the indefensible from BlizZard.
15+ years people played without a spider filter but it is now a top priority but making TBC normal flying accessible at the same time as DR is not allowed? Huh?
Goes on and on about “accessible” like you care and are against ableism while using
as much as you can to call Blizz the r word.
Yes you point upwards toward the sky box and then you glide over an entire map while you AFK.
i dunno man, feels a bit dumb that we can zip around with a more intense form of flight, but when we want our mount to calm-down and go at a more leisurely pace, we have to go on a training montage across all the new zones to be able to do it.
feels silly.
Extremely petty to be honest.
exactly. ironically enough, pathfinder was originally intended to force us to go slower, and ‘appreciate’ the hard work the devs put in (code for ‘increase our /played time.’). now we have a way to zip-around and skip over most of what the devs made, and the slower method is the thing we’re unlocking.
feels like the devs have started going backwards, y’know?