Steady Flying

Give Froststaker a cigar for seeing though the forest for the trees the simple way…its bloody stupid what they are doing too TBC flying in TWW.

Sure when Dragon flight went live I can understand making you use DF right off and not allow TBC flying but to make players wait almost a full year to open up TBC Flying then stick it behind a pathfinder requirement is just plain dumb…same with sticking it behind a pathfinder for TWW,


its not. No matter how many times you posted it on beta, there’s other top issue that needs to address like character frozen when you use a portal to enter city like Org. TBC flying is not important right now.

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Truthfully the zones in TWW are smaller and they are not planning a lot of content. It is there way to “slow” people down but it hurts those that can’t navigate DR the most.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s crazy how Blizzard made a game that so many plays yet hate it. It’s a marvel.

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I love dynamic flight and will likely never use steady flight again; but even I can see how unfair it is to have one day 1 but not the other. There are plenty of legitimate handicaps that prevent players from using dynamic flight effectively.

Both should be locked behind achievements, or neither.


Let’s lock both behind completing the campaign.

This aligns with what pro flying people were requesting for years on end; that Pathfinder not be a months long wait, but achievable at max level like it was back in the day.

Completing the campaign is basically the same as waiting until max level, give or take a few hours.

This way we have parity, and all the complaining will stop. Right?

Not a single person ever complained on behalf of disabled people that the game is unplayable on the ground. It’s apparently only a problem for them if Dragonriding is available first.


I prefer steady flying. And it should be as easy to obtain as dynamic flying. Everyone could have their preference. This has nothing to do with not liking the game.


I haven’t read much about TWW, trying to keep it blind as possible, but unless flying is absolutely necessary to progress, couldn’t they stick to the ground until they get pathfinder?

Your kidding right…using a ground mount is the same as using TBC flying in the game…do tell what is the damn harm of allowing the use of TBC flying aka Steady flying new name…stop changing names of this flight type…again whats the damn harm of allowing it right off just like Dragon Flying…again new name …yes lets keep changing the names of each flight type to make it harder to post about it.


Blizzard has fostered this hate with their decisions.

I’m not being facetious at all and mean this with all honesty when I say, it genuinely feels like Blizzard dislikes a lot of their players…especially when they make these types of decisions.

I agree that both should be accessible at the same time. I actually miss not flying at the start of an expansion. Made everything seem more grand and adventurous.


To require Pathfinder for only one form of flight and not the other feels like spitefulness (or a grudge) to me. I think players who support this game deserve to be treated with more respect.


This is fairly hyperbolic, considering they caved and reversed their design philosophy to bring back flying permanently, created a second “modern” form of flight with mechanics, content for flight like races etc, and have neutered “Pathfinder” down to completing the launch campaign with no time gate.

They apparently do this because they “dislike” you? The exact opposite seems to be true.

“Please remove the achievements needed to use this style of flying. Large part of the community appreciates dragon flying but we don’t like it. Don’t force us into this. I’m okay with it being slower and more boring. I like that. I didn’t play a lot of this expansion because of dragon flying. So please please please don’t force this for the war within.”

Yes, please, please do not have the “pathfinder” for just plain flying.

I can’t use dragonflight without intense motion sickness. I am not the most coordinated person in the first place and all I do is crash constantly and, run out of vigor long before I reach where I need to go. It’s not faster, it’s slower. I have to wait for vigor to recharge, attempt to kill the mob I crashed into, then take rez sickness because I can’t rez where I crashed (mobs.)

Pathfinder is not do-able for me as I can’t do dungeons at all. Haven’t been able to for many years.

I appreciate that you created a new flight system, but… please do NOT make it mandatory. In doing so you are eliminating some of your players from truly enjoying the game. I sooo love flying. But soon I won’t be able to at all. :cry:

Please make it open for all players to choose which type of flight they wish. Pretty please with a cherry on top! :pleading_face:



Please explain this part.

It is not mandatory.


The motion sickness option they added aren’t helping?

Why not use ground mounts and flight paths?

Make an engineer and get yourself a Wormhole Generator to get around.

Have you tried playing with a controller?

Based on accessibility features alone, blizzard could get in trouble for gating an alternative method of flying which makes it easier for people with disabilities behind achievements.


As a sufferer of Psoriatic Arthritis, I disagree with your asinine sentiment.

What a ridiculous take to have.


It’s great to see you don’t care about fellow players. Maybe when you grow up you’ll learn that everybody deserves the same fun as you do.


You can still do that on dragonriding. Just fly around in circles like a crop duster and just drop down. Both flights rather hover or non hover you can still ambush from the air.

It is getting very annoying the TBC flight keeps getting attacked. At this point I might consider dusting off my ground mounts. Cause I’ll be expecting massive nerf’s on all flights.

At this point I rather them delete all flight both of them. Increase ground mount speed to 200% and call it good.