Steady Flying

I’d love to see the size of the Venn Diagram overlap of players who can’t use Sky Riding and who also want to level in an alternative way like through BG’s.

Thanks for proving yourself to be one that does not take all things into account. I even stated

Gee, what would be the LOGICAL reasons for such…oh, to collect pets for pet battles and find world PvP.

So, by my logic, those people do exist, as I allowed for such, but others woudl indeed think they don’t.

Sorry, didn’t understand, english is my 7th or 8th language. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was around when PF was being argued for/against, one common against was “Blizzard is forcing players to play their way”. If one wants to level up vie BGs, pet battles, just dungeon runs, etc. it should be an option, Keep PF as the one-stop shop (do it once for all characters) option but let people play as they like.

I agree that both should be locked or none at all. FFXIV does lock their flying behind finding all the aether currents, and normal flying was always locked behind some level of progression here as well. That made sense to me. Play some of the game to get to the good stuff of being able to see it from above.

The folks who are defending dragonriding as the greatest system to ever grace an mmo and praising Blizzard as some forward-thinking devs need to look around. I’m wondering if Blizzard has come up with a single original idea since… launch. Dragonriding came from guild wars. follower dungeons is the worst implementation of trusts I’ve seen yet, and I saw FFXIV’s garbage (came from XI, by the way).

I like parts of the dragonriding, it’s not as bad as it was before some glyphs, but I REALLY miss being able to hit autorun and go grab something out of the fridge and like, not be dropped out of the sky. Or just hang out up there and ADMIRE THE BEAUTY OF THE WORLD!

Have them both, lots of folks like dragonriding, but locking the CLASSIC system behind an achievement is ridiculous.


BlizZard solution is not satisfactory just like with covenant locking. That is why this thread exists.

:thinking: :sunglasses:

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


To be fair, covenant locking was an actual gameplay issue.
Some covs WAY out performed others and you were literally locked out for a solid week from swapping. And of course no progress transfer.

Then having to craft different legos for 200k+ a pop if you did decide to swap.

Definitely a much larger issue than being stuck grounded for a few days.

It is not even comparable - this is a dog water take.

And yet there just 3 people spamming this thread, you and 2 others, that have been doing nothing but trolling and harassing anyone who thinks otherwise.


Regardless of my stance on flight in TWW… yeah. Covenant locking was a whole other level of pain that impacted the entire playerbase, it’s not even a close comparison.

Hope I’m not one of the people you consider as spamming/trolling/harassing in here, speaking to the rest of your post- I feel very strongly about this topic, but it’s not something that’s going to influence how I think or feel about the people talking in here. That’s a whole other level of getting invested in the topic that some people are getting engaged in, lol.

I can be a bit of a horse’s rear end when I get going on something, but I try to at least separate the discussion from the people I’m discussing it with. World’s got enough anger in it as is. :dracthyr_shrug:


So is TBC flying a game play issue. Thank you for your honesty and I knew you had it in you.

See? I can make people change for the better.

TBC flying forever!


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Not what I said at all.

Y’all just like making mountains out of molehills and this attitude doesn’t help get people on your side by the way lol. (If so, the same 3* people wouldn’t be the ones spamming this topic in defense)

Covenant locking is a symptom and disease that infested WoW…it all started with patchfinder as the root cause.

Take out the root and the rest of the disease can not grow an infect other game play aspects.

That is why patchfinder must go…

Because the existence of patchfinder you ended up with the MAW with no flying or ground mounts to start.

That was the end game of the removing flying forever attempt back in WoD. A ground and pound strategy to turn WoW into a MOBA action RPG instead of sticking to the roots which is a fully fledge MMORPG world that is seemless and not disconnected by different maps

Systemlands was what future expansion beyond WoD would have looked like without TBC normal flying.

Very ugly future of WoW indeed.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


What in the tinfoil hat conspiracies did I just read?

If you think the lack of flying was the issue with SL… I think you need to reexamine the laundry list of things SL did wrong. Lack of flying would be #500.

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Psychologically locking TBC normal flying behind an achieve communicates that it is better than DR aka DF aka SR aka whatever they call it in three months.

So this is what works against BlizZard because there are players that view DR superior and thus doesn’t make sense to devalue it as it is handed to you like a copper penny.

Meanwhile TBC normal flying must be earned like it is a pot of gold.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I’m glad you used the word Psychologically.
Because that is on you.

How you choose to fly has no impact on your character’s combat power.

Yes it does.

TBC flying for the win.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Notwithstanding the fact that every expansion (excluding cataclysm) did not allow TBC flight until either max level + gold, or pathfinder.

Not sure why TWW is somehow any different.

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Please explain. I’ll wait.

Because there was no patchfinder back then.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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