Steady Flying

Very small, almost negligible amount of you*
And that is what Blizzard made in game. There has to be a reason why.

You’re arguing with the wrong person. That is what Blizzard says. Have you ever checked TWW and everything about the feature? lol.

You have eyes and a post slider. Go look.

You think I’m arguing without a reason.

Cope with what facts? You keep repeating your reasons and your assumptions as to why this is happening. Cool, I think we know how you feel about this by now.


You don’t know this, you just say it to support your campaign against steady flight and why pathfinder should only be applied to disabled people.

There is a reason Blizzard designed and put in all of the Motion Sickness options, it’s because enough people are affected by it to warrant the expense.


Yes, you’re. An advocate without cause.

Yes, I had to point them out many times for you. If you need I can keep repeating them until you get them imprinted so you don’t have to repeat the same questions.

And I say that because if it is not difficult to cope with reality, then you’re being disingenuous, because you know the facts and still repeat the same question like trying to pass on your bad rhetoric. So yeah, I’d prefer to think that you’re having hard time to cope with the facts here so we can help you, because the alternative… yikes.

You don’t know this either to claim what you did. So how can you have the right to tell me that I don’t know this while you find yourself entitled to say that “many people” ??

I hate to telling this but Skyriding is expansion feature.

depend you look at it. get every dragonriding talent is bit of work.

its still work. you work yourself to get to max level and then you work on getting right gear level to start your first normal raiding.

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Like I said: There is a reason Blizzard designed and put in all of the Motion Sickness options, it’s because enough people are affected by it to warrant the expense.


Of course. They want players to use Sky Riding.

I just tested them all to see what they do and they completely eliminate all the effects. You can even darken the outer edge to lessen the feeling of speed.

If you’re still experiencing issues I don’t think you’re using the right settings or you’re being disingenuous because you just don’t like active flying.

The forum is our voice to Blizzard. I will use it.

Even Ion has admitted Steady flight is used to improve Accessibility for flight.


Nope, but if I tell you I’m advocating for parity because of people I personally know and play with who have an easier time with Steady Flight due to physical issues or motion sickness (after trying all of the accessibility options and some other methods with game settings), you’ll undoubtedly go out of your way to imply that I’m simply lying or have a less-than-honest reason for advocating for parity.

You keep telling me why you think what you’re saying is a statement of fact, sure. Doesn’t really mean much to me, though. Thanks for thinking highly of your own opinion, I guess?

Dragonriding is an expansion feature of Dragonflight.

Skyriding is simply Dragonriding’s… What, third? Fourth rename? It’s still Dragonriding at the core of the system. It’s not new. Just has more mounts added to it, which was originally intended to come in later on in Dragonflight.

Yeah, no, it’s not work. :dracthyr_lulmao:

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You make a lot of assumptions how game play is for others. For my experience in the game, you are wrong.

I’ve tried everything and motion sickness still persist. As I’ve said, the options do help.

Why do you want Steady Flight removed from the game or delayed for us that use it? How does it benefit you?


Just like smoking, drinking and drugs or other things. When one wakes up and realizes for some reason they might just be bad for ones health physical or mental. May even end up to shorting it rather drastically. I would say at that point, it would be really a good time to consider quitting.

Now, I don’t want to misinterpret what you have said over the past number of months. But you have a lot of health issues, and you have I believe at least once said WoW caused you to even have a stroke. Which I think if that is the case, I would choose to make my exit from the game if I got that tied up in it emotionally.

Now I am in no way qualified to make a clinical evaluation, but you on this form come across as a pretty fired up emotional person and player when it comes to not getting your way. So I can imagine that this game can lead to a lot of your health issues you have named.

Of course the bottom line in life is that things we do or do not do that effect us is always up to us to a greater degree. After all we are, our own worse enemies when it comes to our own health. But maybe you should think about this a bit on a wider rang than just if you hands or wrist hurt while skyriding, but the effect gaming has on you as a whole. Specially when you’re talking strokes or heart issues.

Dr. Gabitha has spoken.

Yes, and it is there because they acknowledge some people have difficult. It is not the first time they’ve had to add this, they needed to add it for Warmaster Blackhorn during Cataclysm and I think there was also another boss in Blackrock Foundry in WoD.

I have no doubt that they’ll continue to improve that to a point where you can use it without a problem.

I personally think it would be for the best it was going to be removed.
I don’t have personal campaign about that, but I don’t have problem voicing my opinion. You’ll see that majority of people here that have been attacked by the 2 most posted users on this thread also disagree with me on the removal of TBC Flying, in fact most players do. So, how is this a campaign against TBC Flying?

It is applied to everyone.
TBC Flying is not a feature for people with disability.
Anyone can use TBC Flying, and in fact many people do use in different situations.

But the way you’re portraying this is:

“Disabled people can’t play the game because Blizzard added Pathfinder to lock TBC Flying” and that is not true, you can get the achievement on day one if you’re really into that, and I’m more than ok with that.

You argue that

But at same time, you ignore the fact that there is also a reason why Blizzard added Pathfinder for TBC Flying.

So, what it is, does blizzard have reason to design Motion Sickness and having pathfinder, or Blizzard doesn’t have reason for both?

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t have your cake and eat it.

Well they have yet to say like their arm, eyeball or leg popped off yet, unlike some that I have read months ago over pathfinder argument as being mean to them.

Have you selected the various mount options under Accessibility?

When I turn them all on I don’t see any difference between Sky Riding and Steady Flight graphicly so something doesn’t add up.

Ive never once advocated for that. I could care less.

I also could care less if they gated Sky Riding behind Pathfinder as well or even if they flipped things around and only had Steady Flight at the start.

Why? Because Pathfinder is a nothing burger that I’ll be done with by Saturday of the head start.

You’re right, your opposition to Steady Flight doesn’t add up to me.


There is no parity because TBC Flying is not the same as Skyriding. You’ve got to understand that.

Everyone has access to ground mounts and everyone has to unlock Pathfinder to have access to TBC Flying.

The fact you are saying there are people who can’t use Skyriding, well that is unfortunate, but I guess that is expected, right.

Well I didn’t want to debate the motion sickness options because I didn’t think it was relevant for this topic but you’re being very dismissive to it, especially when I asked if you have posted already your feedback on bug report forums about the option having not helped you at all…

Blizzard does have a reason. I’m sure you “know” what it is, but I doubt I would agree with you.

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Enlighten me